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1. Dynamics of Assessment: Role of Perception
Affected by many things - how you respond - attitude - knowledge of client
Psychophysiologically ready - ill/in pain/depressed - emotionally stable - remission or exacerbating - got hope?
2. Information Processing Theory: repetition ...
Active role
Design what they want to learn
Promotes learning
Evaluation of output
3. Humanistic Theory: client evaluates ...
Incorporating attitudes - skills - knowledge
Non-compliance - diet - etc.
Scientific inquiry - evidence-based practice - reflective - reasonable - recognizing - contextual
4. Information Processing Theory: a piece of the...
Change in behavior
Thought it stored
Active role
5. Gestalt Theory: promote...
Understanding & insight
Incorporating attitudes - skills - knowledge
Can be held in short term memory @ a time
6. Domains of Learning: Psychomotor
Psychophysiologically ready - ill/in pain/depressed - emotionally stable - remission or exacerbating - got hope?
7. The Learning Paradigm: students help...
Scientific inquiry - evidence-based practice - reflective - reasonable - recognizing - contextual
Don't belittle or negate - only intervene vs. anti-compliant beliefs if danger is imminent.
Design what they want to learn
New situations - to increase understanding - what you know is not working - teaching others - question validity - explore new territory - observe events which can't be explained
8. Educative-Caring Paradigm: teacher role: ...
9. Promoting Thinking: (common sense)
Show respect - Reinforce insight - Mirror the client - Ask stimulating questions - Assign thinking tasks (how can you... - what would happen if...) - Use imagination - Role Playing
Psychophysiologically ready - ill/in pain/depressed - emotionally stable - remission or exacerbating - got hope?
10. Humanistic Theory: Value affective as well as ...
Engage learners - see importance of student's involvement
Clients see themselves as responsible - capable of learning (pain - meds - language) - affect health status - support from others
11. Learning System Process
Financial resources - what do they need to sustain through crisis/situation - affect on others - social network- help from others
Show respect - Reinforce insight - Mirror the client - Ask stimulating questions - Assign thinking tasks (how can you... - what would happen if...) - Use imagination - Role Playing
Incorporating attitudes - skills - knowledge
12. Principles of Learning
Focusing - repetition - learner contro -l active participation - individual styles - organization - association - imitation - motivation - spacing - recency - primacy - arousal - accurate/prompt feedback - application - Personal History
Don't belittle or negate - only intervene vs. anti-compliant beliefs if danger is imminent.
Going beyond - tolerant
Age specific - incorporate language or physical impairments - consider cultural implications - consider significant others - consider client's wishes
13. Educative-Caring Paradigm: Basic concepts include...
Design what they want to learn
Don't belittle or negate - only intervene vs. anti-compliant beliefs if danger is imminent.
Caring - critical thinking - empowerment & maturity
Can be held in short term memory @ a time
14. Cultural & Ethical issues: Affects of these
Active participation
Hearing - vision - language - nurse's contributions
Financial resources - what do they need to sustain through crisis/situation - affect on others - social network- help from others
Non-compliance - diet - etc.
15. Information Processing Theory: Learning is ...
Information processing
Gender issues - domestic violence - Nurses' code of Ethics
Scientific inquiry - evidence-based practice - reflective - reasonable - recognizing - contextual
Affected by many things - how you respond - attitude - knowledge of client
16. Educational Level
New situations - to increase understanding - what you know is not working - teaching others - question validity - explore new territory - observe events which can't be explained
Going beyond - tolerant
Socioeconomic status determines health level - lower status: worse health - lower educational level - learning style - reading level - time frame
17. The Learning Paradigm: students take...
Design what they want to learn
Non-compliance - diet - etc.
Active role
18. Readiness to Learn
New situations - to increase understanding - what you know is not working - teaching others - question validity - explore new territory - observe events which can't be explained
Change in behavior
Clients see themselves as responsible - capable of learning (pain - meds - language) - affect health status - support from others
19. Learning System Feedback
Gender issues - domestic violence - Nurses' code of Ethics
Evaluation of output
Don't use children as translators - not all cultures share medical language
20. Theories of learning
21. Communication Difficulties
22. Cultural & Ethical issues: cultural beliefs
23. Humanistic Theory: includes self
Concept formation (What is hypertension) - principle formation - comprehension (test understanding) - problem solution - decision formation - research - composition (encourage creativity) - oral discussion
Actualization & other concepts
Focusing - repetition - learner contro -l active participation - individual styles - organization - association - imitation - motivation - spacing - recency - primacy - arousal - accurate/prompt feedback - application - Personal History
24. The Learning Paradigm: focus on learning ...
Going beyond - tolerant
Different perceptions
25. Gestalt Theory: client & teacher may have...
Different perceptions
Show respect - Reinforce insight - Mirror the client - Ask stimulating questions - Assign thinking tasks (how can you... - what would happen if...) - Use imagination - Role Playing
Going beyond - tolerant
Gender issues - domestic violence - Nurses' code of Ethics
26. Every 38 seconds - someone dies of
Different perceptions
Cardiovascular disease (lifestyle choices)
Show respect - Reinforce insight - Mirror the client - Ask stimulating questions - Assign thinking tasks (how can you... - what would happen if...) - Use imagination - Role Playing
27. Behavior modification: stimulus>behavior>
Scientific inquiry - evidence-based practice - reflective - reasonable - recognizing - contextual
Different perceptions
28. Domains of Learning: Affective
Don't belittle or negate - only intervene vs. anti-compliant beliefs if danger is imminent.
Cardiovascular disease (lifestyle choices)
New situations - to increase understanding - what you know is not working - teaching others - question validity - explore new territory - observe events which can't be explained
29. Information Processing Theory: only 5-7 thoughts ....
Can be held in short term memory @ a time
Affected by many things - how you respond - attitude - knowledge of client
Gender issues - domestic violence - Nurses' code of Ethics
Age specific - incorporate language or physical impairments - consider cultural implications - consider significant others - consider client's wishes
30. Gestalt Theory: perception ...
Teamwork learning
31. Cultural & Ethical issues: ethical issues
32. Humanistic Theory: Learners need to ...
Evaluation of output
Be involved
Engage learners - see importance of student's involvement
Concept formation (What is hypertension) - principle formation - comprehension (test understanding) - problem solution - decision formation - research - composition (encourage creativity) - oral discussion
33. Humanistic Theory: Maslow's...
Hierarchy of Needs
Teacher - teacher/learner relationship - physical environment - teaching/learning settings
34. Critical Thinking...
Socioeconomic status determines health level - lower status: worse health - lower educational level - learning style - reading level - time frame
Active role
Change in behavior
Scientific inquiry - evidence-based practice - reflective - reasonable - recognizing - contextual
35. Humanistic Theory: focuses on ...
Be involved
Person & their capabilities
Evaluation of output
36. Environment
Gender issues - domestic violence - Nurses' code of Ethics
Teacher - teacher/learner relationship - physical environment - teaching/learning settings
Be involved
37. Information Processing Theory: ______________ memory
Active participation
Don't belittle or negate - only intervene vs. anti-compliant beliefs if danger is imminent.
Promotes learning
38. The Learning Paradigm: cooperative/...
Show respect - Reinforce insight - Mirror the client - Ask stimulating questions - Assign thinking tasks (how can you... - what would happen if...) - Use imagination - Role Playing
Hierarchy of Needs
Teamwork learning
Different perceptions
39. Psychophysiologic Processes: Socioeconomic Forces
Matter - energy - information
Actualization & other concepts
Active role
Financial resources - what do they need to sustain through crisis/situation - affect on others - social network- help from others
40. The Learning Paradigm: goal: think beyond the limits of...
Stress - support - locus of control - internal: you have control - external: other controls - denial - +/- outlook on life: optimist v pessimist
Behaviorism & engage students
41. Psychophysiologic Processes: Level of Wellness
Cardiovascular disease (lifestyle choices)
Incorporating attitudes - skills - knowledge
Psychophysiologically ready - ill/in pain/depressed - emotionally stable - remission or exacerbating - got hope?
42. Thinking skills...
Concept formation (What is hypertension) - principle formation - comprehension (test understanding) - problem solution - decision formation - research - composition (encourage creativity) - oral discussion
Different perceptions
Matter - energy - information
43. Gestalt Theory: Lewin - Koehler - _____________
Behaviorism & engage students
Be involved
44. Gestalt Theory: ______________theory
Engage learners - see importance of student's involvement
Psychophysiologically ready - ill/in pain/depressed - emotionally stable - remission or exacerbating - got hope?
Going beyond - tolerant
45. Creative Thinking...
Design what they want to learn
Socioeconomic status determines health level - lower status: worse health - lower educational level - learning style - reading level - time frame
Going beyond - tolerant
Concept formation (What is hypertension) - principle formation - comprehension (test understanding) - problem solution - decision formation - research - composition (encourage creativity) - oral discussion
46. Assessment Tools
47. Cultural & Ethical issues: language
48. Adaptation
Stress - support - locus of control - internal: you have control - external: other controls - denial - +/- outlook on life: optimist v pessimist
Actualization & other concepts
Going beyond - tolerant
49. Domains of Learning: Cognitive
Gender issues - domestic violence - Nurses' code of Ethics
Psychophysiologically ready - ill/in pain/depressed - emotionally stable - remission or exacerbating - got hope?
Information processing
50. Educative-Caring Paradigm: learning isn't a spectator sport - it requires ...
Active participation
Age specific - incorporate language or physical impairments - consider cultural implications - consider significant others - consider client's wishes
Focusing - repetition - learner contro -l active participation - individual styles - organization - association - imitation - motivation - spacing - recency - primacy - arousal - accurate/prompt feedback - application - Personal History
Hearing - vision - language - nurse's contributions