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Teaching And Health Promotion

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Dynamics of Assessment: Role of Perception

2. Information Processing Theory: repetition ...

3. Humanistic Theory: client evaluates ...

4. Information Processing Theory: a piece of the...

5. Gestalt Theory: promote...

6. Domains of Learning: Psychomotor

7. The Learning Paradigm: students help...

8. Educative-Caring Paradigm: teacher role: ...

9. Promoting Thinking: (common sense)

10. Humanistic Theory: Value affective as well as ...

11. Learning System Process

12. Principles of Learning

13. Educative-Caring Paradigm: Basic concepts include...

14. Cultural & Ethical issues: Affects of these

15. Information Processing Theory: Learning is ...

16. Educational Level

17. The Learning Paradigm: students take...

18. Readiness to Learn

19. Learning System Feedback

20. Theories of learning

21. Communication Difficulties

22. Cultural & Ethical issues: cultural beliefs

23. Humanistic Theory: includes self

24. The Learning Paradigm: focus on learning ...

25. Gestalt Theory: client & teacher may have...

26. Every 38 seconds - someone dies of

27. Behavior modification: stimulus>behavior>

28. Domains of Learning: Affective

29. Information Processing Theory: only 5-7 thoughts ....

30. Gestalt Theory: perception ...

31. Cultural & Ethical issues: ethical issues

32. Humanistic Theory: Learners need to ...

33. Humanistic Theory: Maslow's...

34. Critical Thinking...

35. Humanistic Theory: focuses on ...

36. Environment

37. Information Processing Theory: ______________ memory

38. The Learning Paradigm: cooperative/...

39. Psychophysiologic Processes: Socioeconomic Forces

40. The Learning Paradigm: goal: think beyond the limits of...

41. Psychophysiologic Processes: Level of Wellness

42. Thinking skills...

43. Gestalt Theory: Lewin - Koehler - _____________

44. Gestalt Theory: ______________theory

45. Creative Thinking...

46. Assessment Tools

47. Cultural & Ethical issues: language

48. Adaptation

49. Domains of Learning: Cognitive

50. Educative-Caring Paradigm: learning isn't a spectator sport - it requires ...