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Technology Applications: General Concepts 1

Subjects : it-skills, literacy
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A level of skill that allows a person to respond immediately (i.e. - automatically) with the correct answer to a problem

2. A procedure of instruction selected to help learners achieve objectives or understand the content or message of instruction (e.g. - presentation - simulation - drill and practice - cooperative learning).

3. Programs that allow teachers to author and display lessons for use with interactive whiteboard systems

4. The process of taking a series of individual pictures -- called frames -- and stringing them together in a timed sequence to give the appearance of continuous motion. Animations are motion files - either in 2-D animation or 3-D animation. On the Web

5. In a full immersion virtual reality (VR) system - a headset that provides the sensory channel through which the wearer 'sees' a computer-generated environment

6. According to information-processing learning theorists - one of the three kinds of memory or 'stores' the brain uses to process information - much like a computer; LTM can hold information indefinitely after it is linked to prior knowledge already in

7. Research finding that formats that are beneficial for one group have a negative impact on a group with the opposite characteristic

8. Condition that occurs when an impairment limits an individual from performing an activity in a manner normally expected for human beings (communicating with others - hearing - movement - manipulating objects - etc.)

9. A teaching and learning model based on behavioral and cognitive theories; students receive information from teachers and do teacher-directed activities

10. The use of graphical symbols instead of text commands to control common computer functions such as copying programs and disks; a GUI is where the user clicks on a visual screen that has icons - windows and menus - by using a pointing device - such as

11. The use of the computer as a device for mediating communication between teacher and students and among students - often over distances. Electronic mail and computer conferencing are two types of application software commonly used in CMC.

12. An individual who gains access to computer systems without authorization.

13. Software designed to help teach information and/or skills related to a topic; also known as instructional software or courseware - computer-based instruction (CBI) - computer-based learning (CBL) - computer-assisted learning (CAL) - or generic terms

14. For learners of English and foreign languages - activities in which they use computers in language testing - teaching - and learning in and out of class

15. Content experts are also called subject matter experts (or SMEs). A content expert's roles and responsibilities include: researching the content - helping with storyboard - and writing all of the text. For many multimedia projects in education - SME

16. An associational information-processing system in the text domain. In a hypertext system - text information is stored in nodes - and nodes are interconnected to other nodes of related information; in 1960 - Ted Nelson coined the term to describe a da

17. Texts in digital form that may be read on a computer or e-book readers; becoming a popular alternative to printed texts

18. A type of learning that refers to feelings - beliefs - and values that lead individuals to make consistent choices when given the opportunity.

19. Feedback that tells students specifically what they can do to correct their performance.

20. A computer system set up to allow notices to be posted and viewed by anyone who has access to the network

21. Comprehension exercises with certain words removed to require students to fill in the blanks

22. Video games that provide physical activity or exercise through interactive play

23. Piagetian view of condition children experience when they confront new and unfamiliar features of their environment that do not fit with their current views of the world

24. System in which a camera or sensor reads body movements and communicates them to a computer - which processes the gestures as commands and uses them to control devices or displays

25. One of the devices (e.g. - a data glove) that allow users to experience a full immersion virtual reality system by providing tactile or touch input

26. Pictures of people that focus on just the head or from mid-chest and up are called mug shots. Mug shots are often used in newsletters - newspapers - school yearbooks and company directories. Mug shots of feature columnists may appear next to their co

27. Using a computer system to administer and score assessment measures; also - computer adaptive testing - computer-based testing

28. The beta version of instructional software is a full-functioning version of the product with all known problems resolved. Both the client and the design team review the beta version to search for problems that will need to be addressed. Since the bet

29. A built-in feature of word-processing software that automatically detects and corrects misspelled words and incorrect capitalization

30. A common term in science education reform - synonymous with immersing students in authentic learning experiences

31. Individuals who are learning English as their majority language for everyday uses - employment - and educational purposes. ELL also stands for English Language Learning

32. Pavlovian view of learning as involuntary physical responses to outside stimuli (e.g. - dogs salivate automatically at the sight of a dog food can)

33. A high-level programming language originally designed as an artificial intelligence (AI) language but later popularized by Seymour Papert (based on the learning theories of Jean Piaget) as an environment to allow children to learn problem-solving beh

34. In order to display a full-color graphic image on a 256-color monitor - computers simulate the colors it cannot display by way of dithering - which is combining pixels from a 256-color palette into patterns that approximate other colors. At a distanc

35. A worldwide radio-navigation system made possible by a bank of orbiting satellites and their ground stations to pinpoint exact geographic locations on earth; a device that cross-references a GPS signal with mapping software and shows the location to

36. A file format for storing and sending video sequences on a network

37. A computer system that stores and manipulates a database of information about geographic locations; users see data pertaining to a geographic location overlaid on a map of the area

38. A device that allows analog audio or video to be captured in a form that the computer can use.

39. Any practical device used to make information easier to remember - including rhymes - acronyms - and acrostics.

40. The use of the computer in the management of instruction - including applications such as student record keeping - performance assessment - and monitoring students' progress.

41. In cognitive load theory - the use of working memory that results in productive - engaged learning

42. Classroom display that allow teachers or students to interact with the computer through a touch sensitive board on which the computer screen is projected.

43. A printed copy of computer output.

44. The application of knowledge to solve problems or complete tasks that are realistic and meaningful.

45. According to learning theorist Jerome Bruner - a more effective way of children learning concepts by discovering them during their interaction with the environment; an instructional method that uses an inductive - or inquiry - method to encourage stu

46. An image format that allows transfer of artwork between any software packages that use PostScript printing files; a vector graphics file format.

47. A collection of components that includes the computer and all of the devices used with it.

48. Activity when students submit their written or artistic products to a website

49. Acronym for 'frequently asked questions.' Used on the Internet to disseminate basic information and to reduce repetitive queries.

50. Instructional format that combines elements of face-to-face teaching and learning with elements of distance education. Also known as blended learning.