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Theatre Appreciation 2

Subject : performing-arts
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Written by Aeschylus. Only surviving trilogy

2. Sentences/paragraph structure

3. Purgation of pity and fear experienced upon watching theater.

4. Body (dance - martial arts) - voice (projection - articulation - breathing) - and mind (improve - script analysis - character development)

5. Push idea of reality - morality - and universality

6. Style of production that acknowledges theatricality and does not attempt to created the impression of 'real life' on the stage. Presentational scenery - costumes - and lighting may suggest - distort - or even abstract reality. Presentational acting m

7. Actor in 5th century Greece

8. Central character

9. Invented by the Italians - a large open arch that marks the primary division between audience and performance space in a proscenium space. The proscenium arch frames the action of the play for the audience and limits the view of backstage areas

10. Idea/script - sets - lights - costumes - props - performers

11. Set at an angle. Early proscenium theatres featured a raked stage: the stage was elevated much higher at the back of the stage (upstage) than closer to the stage (downstage). Modern designers sometimes build a raked stage for a particular production

12. Historical accuracy

13. Seats less than 100; amateur.

14. Changeable scenery for specific plays (tragedies - comedies - pastoral tragicomedies). Appeared as early as 1508 and standardized approaches to such scenery were popularized by Sebastian Serlio. Ex: Wings - flats

15. Artistic decisions meant to communicate a specific interpretation of a play to the audience.

16. Didn't support theater. Believed a convincing actor was harmful to society

17. Seats 500-1800; professional.

18. When line of action suddenly switches

19. Set at an angle. Early proscenium theatres featured a raked stage: the stage was elevated much higher at the back of the stage (upstage) than closer to the stage (downstage). Modern designers sometimes build a raked stage for a particular production

20. Physical commedy

21. Wrote the Orestia which is the only surviving trilogy

22. When line of action suddenly switches

23. Director champions intention of playwright

24. Oversees the entire production crew - rehearsals & performance

25. Handles business aspects of show

26. Author of play

27. The area farthest away from the audience

28. 'seeing place'

29. Commercial (meant to make profit). Non-profit (profits go to production of future plays. May be professional or amateur.)

30. created by Augest von Schegel - the replacement of neoclassical structure: form should be directed by subject matter - not classical precedent. Romantics were fascinated with natural forces - the unexplainable - gothic - and mystical. Romantics drama

31. Body - voice - mind

32. God of wine and fertility

33. Greatest dramatist of all time

34. Silhouette (overall shape) - color - texture - accent

35. Work developed actors in realism and naturalism

36. A movement of the late 19th century championing the depiction of everyday life on the stage and the frank treatment of social problems in the theatre. The plays of Henrick Ibsen of the 1870s were important in establishing a dramatic style for realism

37. Controls the environment in the theatre - influence audience's emotional involvement - and communicate information (time and place).

38. Plays written before 1923 are no longer protected

39. Appearance of truth

40. Psychological separation - or a sense of detachment; the recognition that what happens on stage is not reality; literally - 'the distance of art'

41. An actor/ audience configuration in which the audience is on only one side of the performance area; all audience members face the same direction.

42. A movement of the late 19th century championing the depiction of everyday life on the stage and the frank treatment of social problems in the theatre. The plays of Henrick Ibsen of the 1870s were important in establishing a dramatic style for realism

43. Was in favor of theater

44. Biblical stories. From word Misterium meaning crafts/guild

45. Oversees artistic aspects of show

46. A group of performers working together vocally and physically. A chorus of approximately 12-15 singer-dancers who interacted with and responded to the actors was an important element of ancient Greek theatre.

47. Generally rhyming

48. Oversees artistic aspects of show

49. Emotional identification. Refers to audience participation

50. Person in charge of artistic aspect of theater production