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TOEFL Essential Vocab

Subjects : toefl, english, vocabulary
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Deteriorate v. to wear away; disappear slowly

2. Creative a. something newly introduced; creative

3. V. to suggest or plan to do something syn. suggest

4. Resist v. to show little fear or regard for rules or established norms; to change

5. Probe n. a careful examination in order to determine facts n a

6. Instinctive adj. unplanned; uncontrolled

7. Reflect v. to show - as in a mirror

8. Adj. weak in health or in body syn. fragile

9. Unclear adj. not clear; ambiguous

10. Boost v. to encourage or advertise; to elevate in rank or grade

11. Hasten v. to go faster

12. Shelter v. to give protection; to not express a desire or opinion - usually bad

13. Remarkable adj. drawing special attention to

14. Adj. quick; without warning syn. sudden

15. V. to make a request syn. appeal

16. Somewhat av. a part of the whole; incomplete a av2

17. Medium adj. not too much - not too little

18. Separate v. to organize; to make clear

19. Encounter v. to find or discover - usually by chance or mistake

20. Delete v. to remove - free oneself of something

21. Retrieve v. to get back; to have something returned

22. V. to prevent movement - progress - or success syn. block

23. Stop v. to stop or discontinue

24. Adj. extremely large syn. massive

25. Tiny adj. of little consequence; very small

26. Adj. producing a desired result based on truths or fact syn. convincing

27. Faint adj. not bright or clear

28. Defect n. a small sign of damage that makes an item imperfect

29. Major adj. primary or principal; having or exercising control over something

30. Discriminating adj. carefully chosen

31. Thick adj. closely packed or crowded; difficult to see though

32. Senseless adj. done without thought or consideration

33. Calm a. quiet - not easy upset

34. Afterwards adv. following; coming after something

35. V. to express or defend oneself strongly; to state positively syn. declare

36. Hesitatingly av. unwillingly n a

37. Picturesque a. concerning pleasant natural surroundings n2 av

38. Circulate v. to cause to move in many different directions

39. Color n. color

40. Distribute v. to cause to move along a fixed path; to move freely

41. Crawl v. to move slowly and quietly close to the ground; to begin to happen

42. Objective a. with no preconceptions

43. Essential adj. a primary or basic element

44. Adv. enough; in a satisfying manner syn. adequately

45. Shortage n. a need for; an insufficient amount

46. Persuade v. to make someone see things your way

47. Inclined to a. likely to do something

48. Carelessly adv. by accident; without paying attention; unexpectedly

49. Highlight v. to show that something is especiaally important or exeptionall

50. N. the coming or appearance of something syn. arrival