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1. Principal Arterial (freeway is the highest class) - Minor Arterial - Collector - Local Roads and Streets
Basis for Design
Vertical Curves
Standard deceleration rate for SSD braking
Functional Classes
2. Term used to describe the way in which highway designers try to fit the highway to the terrain while maintaining design standards fro safety and performance
Urban Functional Classes
Geometric Design
Approach sight triangle
Running Speed
3. Asphalt: alligator - longitudinal - reflection - pothole - rutting - pumping --- Concrete: corner breaks - durability cracks - longitudinal crack - joint seal failure - scaling/spalling - blowup
Types of Pavement Failures
Superelevation is controlled by 4 factors
Approach sight triangle
4. 2.5
veritcal alignment
Vertical Curves
Horizontal Curves
Standard PRT for SSD
5. Mobility & Access
Design Standard References: Roadways & Rail
Vertical Curves
Rural Functional Classes
Function of Roads
6. Two curves with different radii connected back to back in the same direction
Stopping Sight Distance
broken back
Rural Functional Classes
Geometric Design
7. Infrastructure - vehicles - operators
Types of pavement surfaces
Running Speed
Rural Functional Classes
Factors that affect design
8. Grades - length
Types of pavement surfaces
Standard PRT for SSD
veritcal alignment
Urban Functional Classes
9. Uses circular curves for constant radius; curves require superelevation; the length is measured along the curve between its beginning and ending point
Superelevation is controlled by 4 factors
Horizontal Curves
Elements of Design
10. 11.2 fps^2
Function of Roads
broken back
Standard deceleration rate for SSD braking
11. Must be able to see far enough to stop before the intersection
Approach sight triangle
Geometric Design
Rural Functional Classes
compound curves
12. Average speed of drivers (SMS)
Operating Speed
Standard deceleration rate for SSD braking
Horizontal Curves
function of pavements
13. Distance required to permit control of the vehicle to avoid collisions
Intersection Sight Distance
Departure sight triangle
Urban Functional Classes
14. Roadways: AASHTO Green Book & TxDOT Roadway Design Manual Rail: American Railway Eng. Ass.
Superelevation is controlled by 4 factors
Basis for Design
Design Standard References: Roadways & Rail
15. Uses parabolic curve for variable radius; length is determined by the rate of change; length along the curve is the projected horizontal distance
Vertical Curves
Urban Functional Classes
Design Standard References: Roadways & Rail
16. Interstate - Principal Arterial - Minor Arterial - Major & Minor Collector - Local
Intersection Sight Distance
Rural Functional Classes
Superelevation is controlled by 4 factors
17. Interchanges or intersections with unexpected or unusal maneuvers; changes in cross sectionl areas of concentrated demand
Standard deceleration rate for SSD braking
Types of Horizontal Curves
Design Standard References: Roadways & Rail
When to apply DSD
18. Design for function NOT volume; (Ex. Roads designed only on volume: Briarcrest Drive and Rock Prairie Rd)
Basis for Design
Functional Classes
Elements of Design
19. Rate per hundred million vehicle miles of travel
Standard PRT for SSD
Operating Speed
20. Vertical point of tangency; PVT = PVI + g2^2(L)/2
horizontal alignment
Types of Pavement Failures
Horizontal Curves
21. Flexible: asphalt concrete; rigid: portland cement concrete
Rural Functional Classes
Operating Speed
Standard PRT for SSD
Types of pavement surfaces
22. Speed without any impacts of delay (TMS)
Design Speed
Running Speed
Factors that affect design
Geometric Design
23. Superelevation - side friction - radius
horizontal alignment
Superelevation is controlled by 4 factors
Basis for Design
Standard PRT for SSD
24. Provide lateral guidance and support vehicles
Design Speed
Approach sight triangle
veritcal alignment
function of pavements
25. Rate per million entering vehicles
Types of Pavement Failures
compound curves
26. Interstate + Freeway/Expressway - Principal Arterial - Minor Arterial - Collector - Local
Urban Functional Classes
Running Speed
veritcal alignment
Types of pavement surfaces
27. Vertical point of curvature; PVC = PVI - g1^2(L)/2
Design Speed
Functional Classes
28. The distance required to react and brake -- does not impact geometric design until it is applied to the characteristics of design such as vertical curve length
Stopping Sight Distance
Elements of Design
compound curves
Types of Pavement Failures
29. Selected speed used to determine the various geometric design features of the roadway (controls your horizontal adn vertical curves)
Standard deceleration rate for SSD braking
horizontal alignment
Superelevation is controlled by 4 factors
Design Speed
30. Curves - curves with spirals - broken back - compound curves - reverse curves
Urban Functional Classes
Running Speed
Types of Horizontal Curves
31. Multiple curves connected directly together go from large radii to smaller radii (similar to spiral curves)
broken back
compound curves
Factors that affect design
32. Sight distance - horizontal alignment - vertical alignment - combo of vert. and horiz. alignment - minimum cross slope - edge radii - ISD - freeway ramp junctions - horiz. and vert. clearances
Vertical Curves
Basis for Design
Departure sight triangle
Elements of Design
33. Must be able to see far enough to be able to cross the road from a stop
Departure sight triangle
Superelevation is controlled by 4 factors
Functional Classes
function of pavements
34. Climate conditions - terrain - type of area (rural or urban); and frequency of slow moving vehicles
Running Speed
Departure sight triangle
Rural Functional Classes
Superelevation is controlled by 4 factors