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Trivia: Brave New World
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1. The term for birth in the Hatchery is...
He conducted scientific experiments
John refuses to meet Bernard's dinner guests
2. What is the name of the process that allows the Hatchery to produce many clones from a single egg?
'A gramme is better than a damn'
With an orgy
A society of Alphas is unworkable
The Bokanovsky Process
3. What is the purpose of the religious ritual performed by the Savages?
Elementary Sex and Elementary Class Consciousness
To bring rain
The Falkland Islands
4. In Brave New World - sexual play between children is...
The Director
5. Mustapha Mond tells John that civilizations have to choose between God and...
Machinery and medicine and happiness
He conducted scientific experiments
New Mexico
The Falkland Islands
6. Which caste of humans is considered the lowest?
Four months
It shows human emotion - such as passion - that the World State is trying to eliminate.
The powerful influence of science and technology on society.Instant gratification to control.
7. What World State sayings has to do with soma?
8. What is the motto of the World State?
Bernard Marx
Lenina is not promiscuous enough.
He writes a poem about solitude
Community. Identity. Stability.
9. Explain the importance of Shakspeare
Lenina is not promiscuous enough.
To bring rain
It shows human emotion - such as passion - that the World State is trying to eliminate.
By sounding alarms and shocking the children when they approach books or flowers
10. What is Bernard Marx's main shortcoming?
His physique
The D.H.C.
11. What do people believe to be the cause of Bernard's strange character?
Excessive soma intake
'plenty of pleasant vices.'
John refuses to meet Bernard's dinner guests
The Director
12. Where is the Savage Reservation located?
Created the assemby line; He is called 'Lord'; Religion has been replaced by technology - especially the efficient - mechanized factory production of goods that HenryFord pioneered.
His physique
New Mexico
Machinery and medicine and happiness
13. How does the Solidarity Service end?
The Falkland Islands
With an orgy
The Falkland Islands
'plenty of pleasant vices.'
14. What is the purpose of the religious ritual performed by the Savages?
Bernard Marx
To bring rain
Excessive soma intake
15. After retreating to the lighthouse - what does John do that first attracts the reporters?
He conducted scientific experiments
She is horrified
The D.H.C.
He whips himself
16. What motivates John's suicide at the end of the novel?
He whips himself
His participation in a soma-driven orgy
It shows human emotion - such as passion - that the World State is trying to eliminate.
Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre
17. What was the first book that John read as a child?
The Director
'A gramme is better than a damn'
The Chemical and Bacteriological Conditioning of the Embryo
He whips himself
18. How are children in the Nursery conditioned to dislike books and flowers?
The Bokanovsky Process
By sounding alarms and shocking the children when they approach books or flowers
'plenty of pleasant vices.'
19. Who said the following: 'Don't you want to be free and men? Don't you even understand what manhood and freedom are?'
The Director
'plenty of pleasant vices.'
20. Why is Helmholtz first criticized by the World State authorities?
He writes a poem about solitude
His physique
She is horrified
21. Who said the following: 'I'm thinking of a queer feeling I sometimes get - a feeling that I've got something important to say and the power to say it -- only I don't know what it is - and I can't make any use of the power.'
Helmholtz Watson
Community. Identity. Stability.
She is horrified
22. Why are Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson friends?
Both feel alienated from World State society
The Director
He whips himself
A quote from Shakespeare's The Tempest
23. How many main castes are there?
A society of Alphas is unworkable
The Chemical and Bacteriological Conditioning of the Embryo
The D.H.C.
24. What is the motto of the World State?
Community. Identity. Stability.
A society of Alphas is unworkable
Four months
25. What color do delta babies always wear?
Both feel alienated from World State society
Because 'every one belongs to every one else'
26. Bernard and Helmholtz are banished to...
'plenty of pleasant vices.'
The Falkland Islands
'plenty of pleasant vices.'
27. Who is John's father?
Community. Identity. Stability.
He whips himself
The D.H.C.
28. In Brave New World - sexual play between children is...
The powerful influence of science and technology on society.Instant gratification to control.
He conducted scientific experiments
She is horrified
29. What hymn is sung at the Solidarity Service that Bernard attends?
His participation in a soma-driven orgy
The Chemical and Bacteriological Conditioning of the Embryo
He whips himself
30. What motivates John's suicide at the end of the novel?
The D.H.C.
Elementary Sex and Elementary Class Consciousness
Violent Passion Surrogate
His participation in a soma-driven orgy
31. Explain 'HenryFord' and his importance in Brave New World
32. Who is John's father?
The Director
Elementary Sex and Elementary Class Consciousness
To bring rain
The D.H.C.
33. Who escorts the students through the hatchery?
The Director
'Suffer the children'
With an orgy
Because 'every one belongs to every one else'
34. What Biblical phrase does Mustapha Mond use when children begin playing around him?
35. What does 'V.P.S.' stand for?
The powerful influence of science and technology on society.Instant gratification to control.
He whips himself
With an orgy
Violent Passion Surrogate
36. After his return from the Reservation with the Savage - what event leads to Bernard's fall from social grace?
37. Explain 'HenryFord' and his importance in Brave New World
38. What is the name of the feely that John watches on his date with Lenina?
Machinery and medicine and happiness
'plenty of pleasant vices.'
'plenty of pleasant vices.'
Three Weeks in a Helicopter
39. Who said the following: 'I'm thinking of a queer feeling I sometimes get - a feeling that I've got something important to say and the power to say it -- only I don't know what it is - and I can't make any use of the power.'
The Director
Three Weeks in a Helicopter
Helmholtz Watson
Four months
40. Bernard and Helmholtz are banished to...
He writes a poem about solitude
'plenty of pleasant vices.'
Because 'every one belongs to every one else'
The Falkland Islands
41. Which character shows contempt for the social control devices of the state?
'A gramme is better than a damn'
Bernard Marx
Because 'every one belongs to every one else'
42. Where does Brave New World take place?
43. What color do delta babies always wear?
To bring rain
She is horrified
'Suffer the children'
44. What is the name of the feely that John watches on his date with Lenina?
Three Weeks in a Helicopter
She is horrified
Both feel alienated from World State society
Helmholtz Watson
45. How does Lenina react to observing the Savage religious ritual?
She is horrified
Because she slept with their husbands
His participation in a soma-driven orgy
Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre
46. How many main castes are there?
Bernard Marx
The D.H.C.
47. Why are Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson friends?
His participation in a soma-driven orgy
The Director
Both feel alienated from World State society
48. What do people believe to be the cause of Bernard's strange character?
Excessive soma intake
Bernard Marx
The Chemical and Bacteriological Conditioning of the Embryo
She is horrified
49. Why was Linda attacked by the other women of the village in the Reservation?
Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre
With an orgy
The Falkland Islands
Because she slept with their husbands
50. How long does Lenina date Henry Foster?
The Director
A quote from Shakespeare's The Tempest
'plenty of pleasant vices.'
Four months