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Unicru Employee Personality Test Answers

Subject : business-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Strongly Agree: You would rather work ______ than by yourself

2. Strongly Disagree: It bothers you when you have to _____ a lot of rule

3. Strongly Disagree: You like to be...

4. Strongly Disagree: You __________ about things you've done

5. Strongly Agree: Any trouble you have is..

6. Strongly Agree: You rarely act...

7. Strongly Disagree: When you need to - you take it...

8. Strongly Agree: You give direct criticism...

9. Strongly Disagree: You get __________ when you make mistakes

10. Strongly Disagree: You have to _____ on some things that you start

11. Strongly Disagree: You are unsure of what to say when you meet...

12. Strongly Disagree: There's no use having close friends; they always...

13. Strongly Disagree: You do what you want - no matter what...

14. Strongly Agree: You are a...

15. Strongly Disagree: It is hard to really care about work when the job...

16. Strongly Agree: It is maddening when the court...

17. Strongly Agree: You have _______ in yourself

18. Strongly Disagree: You do not like small...

19. Strongly Agree: You chat with people you...

20. Strongly Disagree: Other people's feelings are...

21. Strongly Agree: You _______ very few days from high school

22. Strongly Disagree: You do not like to meet new...

23. Strongly Disagree: You like to ___________ when working on something difficult

24. Strongly Agree: You ______ being polite

25. Strongly Agree: You finish your work...

26. Strongly Disagree: Right now - you care more __________ than being serious at school or work

27. Strongly Disagree: You ____ people you don't like

28. Strongly Agree: When your friends need help - ...

29. Strongly Disagree: You don't believe a lot of...

30. Strongly Disagree: You _______ what people think of you

31. Strongly Disagree: You _______ when you argue

32. Strongly Agree: When you go someplace - you are...

33. Strongly Disagree: You sometimes thought seriously about...

34. Strongly Disagree: It __________ a long time when someone is unfair to you

35. Strongly Agree: You can wait ________ for a long time

36. Strongly Disagree: You could not deal with difficult people...

37. Strongly Agree: You like to be in the _____ of a big crowd

38. Strongly Agree: You got mostly __________ in high school

39. Strongly Agree: You have no...

40. Strongly Disagree: When people make mistakes - you...

41. Strongly Agree: You love to...

42. Strongly Disagree: You don't ________ because it doesn't pay off anyway

43. Strongly Disagree: You are a fairly...

44. Strongly Agree: It is fun to go to...

45. Strongly Agree: Your moods are ______ from day to day

46. Strongly Disagree: You would rather ____________ in other people's problems

47. Strongly Disagree: You say ________ is on your mind

48. Strongly Agree: When you are done with your work - you look...

49. Strongly Agree: You work best at a ___________ speed

50. Strongly Agree: You agree with people...