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USMLE Diseases And Findings
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1. Loss of light reflex constriction (contralateral or bilateral) - 'Prostitute's Eye' - accommodates but does not react - Pathognomonic for 3?Syphilis
Berger's Disease
Sugar icing on spleen
Argyll - Robertson Pupil
2. Aluminum inhalation ? lung fibrosis
3. Pheochromocytoma
Birbeck Granules
Cold thyroid nodules
Oligoclonal band
VMA and metenephrins in urine
4. Idiopathic fibrous replacement of thyroid
5. Strep pharyngitis
Anti - centromere antibody
Microsatellite instability
Palatal Petechaie
Zenker's Diverticulum
6. Macrophage in lymph node germinal centers
Maple syrup/burnt sugar urine
Meckel's Diverticulum
Hirschprung's Disease
Tingible Bodies
7. Pyelonephritis
WBC Casts
Pink - foamy lung exudate
Anti - sacharommyces cervisiae antibody
Meig's Syndrome
8. Arsenic (or lasagna)
Wrinkled glomerular basement membrane
Soldiers plaque
Typhoid Fever
Garlic odor on breath
9. Acute gastric ulcer associated with CNS trauma
10. Hyperparathyroidism
Lisch Nodules
Cardiomegaly with Apical Atrophy
Brown Tumor
11. Granulosa cell tumor
Call - Exner Bodies
Oligoclonal band
Kimmelstiel - Wilson Nodules
Ferruginous Bodies
12. Marfan's
Bruton's Disease
Heinz Bodies
Micronodular cirrhosis
13. Hyaline casts (non - specific)
AFP increase
Shaver's Disease
Tamm - Horsfall protein
14. Duchenne's MD use of arms to stand
15. RSV
Hypersegmented PMNs
Tendinous Xanthomas
Patent ductus arteriosus
16. Hyperestrinism: liver failure - pregnancy
Smith Antigen
Condyloma Lata
Spider telangiectasia
Menetrier's Disease
17. Variant of Reed - Sternberg cell seen in nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's Disease
Painless Jaundice
Lacunar cells
Hyaline thrombi
18. Pulmonary HTN (aneurysmal expansion of vessel wall)
Libman - Sacks
Malignant pustule
IgM against IgG
Plexiform lesions
19. Wilson's - viral hepatitis - alpha -1- antitrypsin
Macronodular cirrhosis
Cotton Wool Spots
DiGeorge's Syndrome
20. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
Hirschprung's Disease
Bence Jones Protein
Pink - foamy lung exudate
Eccentric intimal fibrosis with medial hypertrophy
21. Hyperthyroid
Central Nuclei in Muscle
Honeycomb lung
Congenital Hepatic Fibrosis
22. Down's
Hat size increase
Cystathioine synthase deficieny
AFP decrease
Cori's Disease
23. Virilism - no cortisol - salt retention - hypertension
Winged scapula
11- hydroxylase deficiency
S3 Heart Sound
Crescents In Bowman's Capsule
24. Small noncleaved cell lymphoma EBV - 8:14 translocation
25. Bronchial asthma
Sulfer granules
Charcot - Leyden Crystals
Takayasu's arteritis
Ghon Complex
26. X- linked Brutons agammaglobulinemia - and common variable immunodeficiency
Lumpy- Bumpy IF Glomeruli
Anti - DNA topoisomerase antibody
Philadelphia Chromosome
27. MEN type I (thyroid - parathyroid - adrenal cortex - pancreatic islets - pituitary)
28. Ultrasonographic finding in Neural Tube Defects
Kaussmaul Breathing
Spitz Nevus
Lemon sign
Blue Sclera
29. Wilson's
DiGeorge's Syndrome
Horner's Syndrome
Night pain relieved by aspirin
Keyser - Fleischer Ring
30. Histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma)
Ghon Complex
Birbeck Granules
Tram - Track Glomeruli
Michealis - Gutmann Bodies
31. Parkinson's (eosinophilic inclusions in damaged substantia nigra cells)
Still's Disease
Lewy Bodies
AFP increase
Mousy / musty odor
32. Apergillus
glucose - protein in CSF
Meckel's Diverticulum
Fungus ball in lung
33. Pancreatic CA (head)
Rim pattern
Painless Jaundice
Krabbe Disease
34. Papillary necrosis - esp. in diabetics
Job's Syndrome
Analgesic abuse
Reye's Syndrome
Neurofibrillary Tangles
35. IBD; ileocecum - transmural - skip lesions - lymphocytic infiltrate - granulomas - (contrast to UC: limited to colon - mucosa & submucosa - crypt abscesses - pseudopolyps - * colon cancer risk)
36. Alkaptonuria - homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency
Ochronosis (dark pigment of fibrous tissue)
Fanconi's Syndrome
AFP decrease
37. Primary pulmonary hypertension
Rouleaux Formation
Wiskott - Aldrich Syndrome
Concentric laminar intimal fibrosis of small arteries of lung
H shaped vertebrae
38. Emphysema Centroacinar - smoking Panacinar - ?1- antitrypsin deficiency
Pink Puffer
Krabbe Disease
39. Mitral prolapse
Addison's Disease
Shagreen patches
Heinz Bodies
Mid - systolic click
40. Chronic transplant rejection
Punched - out esophageal lesions
Charcot Triad
Eccentric intimal fibrosis with medial hypertrophy
Reiter's Syndrome
41. Progressive dementia similar to Alzheimer's - knife - edged gyri
42. Alzheimer's
Neurofibrillary Tangles
Swiss cheese brain
von Hippel - Lindau
Crescents In Bowman's Capsule
43. Lobular carcinoma
Wolff - Chaikoff Effect
Bilateral breast cancer
Cardiomegaly with Apical Atrophy
Oligoclonal band
44. Myelofibrosis
Low set ears
Teardrop RBCs
Plexiform lesions
45. Primary aldosteronism
46. Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Tendinous Xanthomas
Felty's Syndrome
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
47. Arterial thrombus
Meckel's Diverticulum
Cold thyroid nodules
Lines of Zahn
Jacksonian Seizures
48. Esophageal; cricopharyngeal muscles above UES
49. Autoimmune hypothyroidism (antimicrosomal or antithyroglobulin); Hurthle cells - thyroid germinal centers -
50. Maternal rubella and prematurity
Patent ductus arteriosus
Peyronie's Disease
Rectangular RBC's
Hirano Bodies