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USMLE Step 1 Pharmacology

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Name two bile acid resins.

2. What is the mechanism of Tacrolimus (FK506)?

3. Common toxicities associated with Griseofulvin?

4. What are the Anti - TB drugs?

5. Antimicrobial prophylaxis for PCP

6. Sotalol - toxicity?

7. Which individuals are predisposed to Sulfonamide - induced hemolysis?

8. Name four Antiarrhythmic drugs in class IA.

9. Dobutamine used for the tx of shock acts on Which receptors

10. What is the mechanism of action of Allopurinol used to treat chronic gout?

11. What is the only depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent?

12. How is Amphotericin B used clinically?

13. Which diuretics cause alkalosis?

14. What is the mechanism of action of Ticlopidine - Clopidogrel

15. Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Cutaneous flushing (4)?

16. Furosemide - clinical use?

17. When is Rifampin not used in combination with other drugs?

18. What is the category - mechanism of action - and effect of Ipratroprium in Asthma treatment?

19. MOA: Disrupt fungal cell membranes

20. Decrease Digoxin dose in renal failure?

21. What is the category - method of use - and adverse effects of Salmeterol in Asthma treatment?

22. What type of gout is treated with Probenacid?

23. How is Acyclovir used clinically?

24. In coma situations you rule out What (7)?

25. Ca2+ channel blockers - clinical use?

26. Antimicrobial prophylaxis for Gonorrhea

27. Your patient wants an effective drug to treat his motion sickness - What would you prescribe

28. When is HIV therapy initiated?

29. What is the category of drug names ending in - ane (e.g. Halothane)

30. What is the memory key for the effect of aluminum hydroxide overuse?

31. What are common side effects of Protease Inhibitors?

32. Which cancer drugs work at the level of proteins(2)?

33. Hydralazine - class and mechanism?

34. Name the common Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors

35. What is a common side effect of Misoprostol?

36. What class of drug is echothiophate? What is its indication?

37. Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Stevens - Johnson syn. (3)?

38. What conditions are treated with Metronidazole?

39. Which cancer drugs effect nuclear DNA (4)?

40. What is the MOA for Metronidazole?

41. MOA: Block cell wall synthesis by inhib. Peptidoglycan cross - linking (7)

42. What are the products and their toxicities of the metabolism of Methanol by / alcohol dehydrogenase?

43. What antimuscarinic agent is used in asthma and COPD?

44. What are four Sulfonylureas?

45. What is the effect of norepinephrine on bp and pulse pressure?

46. Antiarrhythmic class IC- toxicity?

47. Toxic side effects of the Azoles?

48. How do the Protease Inhibitors work?

49. For Warfarin What is the Site of action

50. What is the MOA of Polymyxins?