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USMLE Step3 Cardiovascular

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. What is PEA? How do you treat?

2. s/s carotid dissection

3. complication of HRT

4. location of VSD/MR mumur

5. What is beck's triad?

6. When to use transvenous pacing?

7. How to treat a a patient with tCA overdose

8. When to start thrombolytic therapry in MI

9. What is the most effective way to treat multivessel coronary artery blockade?

10. INR for mechanical prosthetic valve

11. How do you diagnose multifocal atrial tachy?

12. when should you stop aspirin before procedure that has bleeding risk?

13. EKG shows ST elevation and suggest occlusion of major coronary artery.

14. What is poor R wave progression?

15. Why nitroprusside cannot be used alone in aortic dissection

16. When to treat sinus brady after acute MI

17. How to dx SVT? tx?

18. INR goal for bileaflet mechnial valve

19. when we say QT prolonged?

20. When to use anticoag or aspiring in AF

21. what causes non sustained ventricular tachy (>3 or more consecutive beat >120/m)?

22. new onset LBBB - What is the next step

23. patient with unstable angina - chest pain - ekg changes but card enzymes normal - next step

24. stable angina with heart failure

25. what medication cause pulmonary edema?

26. torsade and unresponsive

27. when NSTEMI without comorbidiites should get PCI?

28. ehlers danlos

29. what MI cause sinus brady?

30. common complications of ca antagonists?

31. What is paroxysmal AF? How do you treat?

32. patient with secondary htn - What is next step

33. cocaine induced vasospasm leading to myocardial ischemia - initial tx?

34. the dose levothyroxine in thyroid cancer remission

35. baloon valvulotomy for AS

36. wpw syndrome

37. What is mech of TCA overdose

38. sudden onset of HTN. How do you manage

39. In cocaine induced vasospasm - if angio shows any thrombus - next step?

40. Most important predictor for future cardiovascular events

41. Indication of gemfibrozil?

42. When to increase warfarin dose?

43. What is kussmaul sign

44. bradycardia with type 2 heart block

45. When to use digoxin in AF

46. When rhythm control strategy is suprior than rate control in the Tx of AF

47. primordial prevention vs primary/secondary/tertiary prevention

48. paroxysmal AF with structural HD

49. patient with new onset CHF - What is next best step?

50. When to use dobutamine?