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USMLE Step3 Rheumatology

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. nicotinic acid

2. How often disease activity is monitored in AS?

3. when SLE patient needs steroid

4. PIP joint involment

5. Tx of RA

6. Low back pain

7. allpurinol

8. How to differentiate radicular pain with claudication

9. neck mass in sjogren patient

10. phalen test

11. How glucocorticoid leads to bone loss

12. DIP joint involvement

13. management of LBP

14. Tx of gout in patient with ESRD or hx GI bleeding

15. pagets in xray

16. Rayanaud's disease vs phenomenon

17. heberdeen nodes

18. cylosporin used after renal transplantation

19. patient is having pain when he moves hands above shoulder

20. increased ALP; liver or bone origin?

21. carpal tunnel

22. inflammatory myositis

23. spondyloarthopathy

24. common valvular abnormalities with AS?

25. carpal tunnel syndrom

26. Use of allopurinol after kidney transplant

27. xanthomatous nodule

28. inflamed tendons in wrist - ankle - arms; sexual history

29. xanthelasma

30. When to start DMARD in RA

31. When to stop statin if cpk elevated

32. Tx of reiter

33. When to order MRI in LBP

34. criteria for AS

35. Ca oxalate induced arthritis

36. anti-mitochondrial

37. bouchard nodule

38. How to prevent glucocorticoid induced bone loss

39. anti-ds DNA antibody

40. What is heliotrope sign

41. colchicine

42. morning stiffness hand joints

43. tinel sign

44. probenecid

45. anterior shoulder pain

46. SLE with pleural effusion

47. morning stiffness <30min; 2nd and 3rd metacarpohalengeal joint - osteopenia - hook like osteophytes; aspiration cppd crystal

48. When to give methotrexate in SLE

49. Management of HTN during acute gout

50. MCP joint involvement