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Veterinary Technology Diseases Of Digestive System
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1. How to treat lymphatic plasmacytic stomatitis if condition recurs?
Sulfasalizine (caution with cats and dry eye in dog with long term use) ( -Keratoconjunctivitis -KCS) - pred - metronidazole - azathioprine - tylosin - mesalamine(sim to sulfasalazine - anti inflammatory drug w/ free radicals
Rule out other causes (MDB); fecal sample direct and float; HCT to monitor hydration
Increased serum trypsinogen - like immunoreactivity - pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI) - and (fPLI)
Extract all premolars - molars - and retained roots - if still recurs remove remaining teeth; steroids
2. Diseases of Rectum/Anus perineal hernias (who gets it/what it is)
Many cats have underlying disease that interferes with local immunity in gingava' cats should be screened for disease
Stress - diet changes - boarding - illness; enviro. change resulting in anorexia >2 wks - imbalance occurs between breakdown of peripheral lipids; lipid clearance w/in liver occurs; excess fat accumulation w/in hepatocytes
Common in intact older male dogs >8; atrophy of levator ani muscle causes herniation of rectum and pelvic organs into ischiorectal fossa
Stool softeners - Ducolax - docusate - lactulose - enemas - Cisapride - correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances - antibiotics to protect against sepsis thru damaged colonic wall - treat any underlying disease
3. Intussusception DX
Avoid stress in obese cats - early intervention essential - a cat that usually eats well and just stops is at risk - prevent obesity cure rate 60-65% - may be long and $
Anorexia - depression - weight loss - spoadic vomiting - hepatomegaly - possible bleeding tendencies (petechiae - bleeding from gums0
Palpation of sausage- like mass in cranial abdomen; ultrasound shows multi- layered concentric rings representing large intestinal wall layers
Common in intact older male dogs >8; atrophy of levator ani muscle causes herniation of rectum and pelvic organs into ischiorectal fossa
4. Intussusception TX
Cbc - leukocytosis - increased PCV chem - azotemia - increased ALT - mils hypocalcemia - hyperlipemia - normal to increased amylase and lipase4
Surgical reduction or resection of necrotic bowel fluids and electrolytes; broad spectrum antobiotics post surgery; no solid food for 24 hrs - then bland diet for 10-24 days to allow healing of intestinal walls
Hypoallergenic diets - low fat diets with high fiber; goal to control signs; may have frequent defecation chronically
Older obese dogs with history of recent fatty meal; painful abdomen - anorexia - depression - dehydration - vomiting - diarrhea - fever - shock and collapse
5. Diseases of Large Intestine: large inflammatory bowel disease
Very similar to small intestine diseases - excessive number of inflammatory cells in mucosa - unknown etiology - likely multi factorial - colonic inflammation disrupts mucosal integrity and results in decreased absorption of water and electrolytes
Diarrhea w/o weight loss - increased frequency of defecation w/ decreased fecal volume - tenesmus - hematochezia (frank blood) - increased mucus - +/- dsschezia and mild fever
Cbc - microcytosis - target cells - poikilocytosis - mild regenerative anemia xray microhepatia
Inflammation of the pancreas; acute or chronic digestive enzymes are activated within the gland causes autodigestion - gland becomes inflamed resulting in tissue damage - high fat diets predispose - assoc w/ hepatic liidosis - drugs - parasites - tu
6. Feline Hepatic Lipidosis DX
Unknown - but can result from parasites - foreign bodies - infections - neoplasia
x- rays -- mild hepatomegaly ultrasound-- hyperechoic liver histopathology-- severley vacuolized hepatocytes
Medical management seldom successful - low protein diet - lactilose - metronidazole - fluids - surgical ligation of shunt is preferred
Diarrhea w/o weight loss - increased frequency of defecation w/ decreased fecal volume - tenesmus - hematochezia (frank blood) - increased mucus - +/- dsschezia and mild fever
7. What is Chronic Enteropathies TX
Pred - azathioprine - metronidazole - intestinal protectants (sucralfate - H2 blockers) - vitamin therapy to replace fat- soluable vitamins - dietary modifications - limit carb - avoid lactose - low- fat diets - good quality protein diet
Supportive care: fluids and electrolyte balance; potassium if needed; NPO 3-4 days if vomiting; antiemetics; analgesia (Buprenorphine in cats; butorphanol in dogs) antibiotics: (enroflaxin - trimethaprin gluccocorticoids)
Common hepatobiliary disorder of cats - less in dogs complex of disorders that involve cholangitis - cholangiohepatitis - and biliary cirrhosis - bile duct inflammation leads to hepatocyte involvement - progresses to cirrhosis
*gastric indiscretion (eating garbage) - spoiled food - change in diet - food allergy - infection(bacterial - viral - parasitic) - toxins - foreign object ingestion
8. What does mineral oil enema for mega colon or constipation do?
Lubricates feces and reduces water reabsorption of lumen
Supportive and symptomatic fluid and electrolyte therapy - NPO 24-48 hrs - water if no vomiting - pepto bismol or loperamide - antibiotics - bland low fat diet
Common cause of vomiting in dogs
Treatment can be long and expensive - often not cured - monitor dogs and cats on long term antinflammatory therapy
9. Intussusception PX
Vomiting - anorexia - depression - diarrhea (often bloody)
Common; melanomas and squamous cell carcinomas are most common: also fibrosarcomas
Recurrence infrequent - prognosis depends on extent of damage - common in puppies with heavy parasitic infestation
10. What are oral neoplasia melanomas?
Sulfasalizine (caution with cats and dry eye in dog with long term use) ( -Keratoconjunctivitis -KCS) - pred - metronidazole - azathioprine - tylosin - mesalamine(sim to sulfasalazine - anti inflammatory drug w/ free radicals
Rapidly growing tumors characterized by early bone involvement metastatisize to lungs
Extract all premolars - molars - and retained roots - if still recurs remove remaining teeth; steroids
Often non specific - chronic intermittent vomit/ -+/- diarrhea - listlessness - weight loss - older animals - Borygmus (gas sounds in intestine) - halitosis - flatulence - signs progressive over time
11. Megacolon signs are?
Siamese - himalayans - abyssinians
Stool softeners - Ducolax - docusate - lactulose - enemas - Cisapride - correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances - antibiotics to protect against sepsis thru damaged colonic wall - treat any underlying disease
Emergency!! decompress stomach(18 g needle) - stabilize patient - prep for surgery stomach tube treat shock bicarbonate if total carbon dioxide <12 mEq IV antibiotics targeted against gram-/anaerobes - cefoxtin - ampicillin
Straining to defecate - vomiting - weakness - dehydration - anorexia - small hard feces+/- blood - mucus
12. Cholangiohepatitis DX : bw
Cbc-- neutraophilia w/ left shift -- mild - regenerative anemia
With stool softeners and enemas palliatively
Anorexia - depression - weight loss - vomiting - dehydration - fever - jaundice - ascites - hepatomegaly
Hypoallergenic diets - low fat diets with high fiber; goal to control signs; may have frequent defecation chronically
13. Diseases of the Liver: what is cholangiohepatitis?
Males have increased risk for melonoma and fibrosarcoma; dogs with pimented oral mucosa greater risk for melonoma
Rule out other causes (MDB); fecal sample direct and float; HCT to monitor hydration
Common hepatobiliary disorder of cats - less in dogs complex of disorders that involve cholangitis - cholangiohepatitis - and biliary cirrhosis - bile duct inflammation leads to hepatocyte involvement - progresses to cirrhosis
Perineal swelling - tenesmus - dyschezia - constipation - possible urethral obstruction if bladder involved
14. What is oral neoplasia?
Pred - azathioprine - metronidazole - intestinal protectants (sucralfate - H2 blockers) - vitamin therapy to replace fat- soluable vitamins - dietary modifications - limit carb - avoid lactose - low- fat diets - good quality protein diet
Common; melanomas and squamous cell carcinomas are most common: also fibrosarcomas
Cause unknown; ascending biliary infections from GI tract and immune- mediated causes have been suggested; Persian cats predisposed; sometimes occurs in conjuction with pancreatitis and IBD in cats (Triaditis)
Increase fiber - soft canned food - salt food to increase water intake
15. Gastric Dilation/Volvulus (GDV) TX (cont)
Potassium supplement if < 3 mEq monitor ecg treat w/ lidocaine or procanimade * surgery
Ulcerative - erosive neoplasms; invade bone and metastisize to regional lymph nodes
Excellent after surgical ligation; surgery yields best results if dog is less than one year - relapses may occur (more common in cats); animals with partial ligations of shunt may require low protein diet to avoid clinical signs of hepatic encephalop
Stool softeners - Ducolax - docusate - lactulose - enemas - Cisapride - correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances - antibiotics to protect against sepsis thru damaged colonic wall - treat any underlying disease
16. Portosystemic shunts PX
Use caution when removing feces from colon; manually use well lubricated gloved finger; x- ray after to ensure empty colon; use soothing ointment or cream around rectum post evacuation - and make sure patient is kept clean and dry after enema
Older animals
Excellent after surgical ligation; surgery yields best results if dog is less than one year - relapses may occur (more common in cats); animals with partial ligations of shunt may require low protein diet to avoid clinical signs of hepatic encephalop
Recurrence infrequent - prognosis depends on extent of damage - common in puppies with heavy parasitic infestation
17. Megacolon surgical (use caution)
Common hepatobiliary disorder of cats - less in dogs complex of disorders that involve cholangitis - cholangiohepatitis - and biliary cirrhosis - bile duct inflammation leads to hepatocyte involvement - progresses to cirrhosis
Use caution when removing feces from colon; manually use well lubricated gloved finger; x- ray after to ensure empty colon; use soothing ointment or cream around rectum post evacuation - and make sure patient is kept clean and dry after enema
Cause unknown; ascending biliary infections from GI tract and immune- mediated causes have been suggested; Persian cats predisposed; sometimes occurs in conjuction with pancreatitis and IBD in cats (Triaditis)
Males have increased risk for melonoma and fibrosarcoma; dogs with pimented oral mucosa greater risk for melonoma
18. What is perianal fistula (anal fistula)? who does it affect?
Single or multiple ulcerated sinuses that involve perianal tissue; often large breed dogs
Supportive care: fluids and electrolyte balance; potassium if needed; NPO 3-4 days if vomiting; antiemetics; analgesia (Buprenorphine in cats; butorphanol in dogs) antibiotics: (enroflaxin - trimethaprin gluccocorticoids)
Inflamed gums - often with minor calculus
Often non specific - chronic intermittent vomit/ -+/- diarrhea - listlessness - weight loss - older animals - Borygmus (gas sounds in intestine) - halitosis - flatulence - signs progressive over time
19. What is the cause gastritis?
Occurs when smaller - proximal segment of intestine at ileocolic junction invaginates into larger - more distal segment of large intestine telescoping effect causes partial to complete blockage and compromises blood supply - causing necrosis
Emergency!! decompress stomach(18 g needle) - stabilize patient - prep for surgery stomach tube treat shock bicarbonate if total carbon dioxide <12 mEq IV antibiotics targeted against gram-/anaerobes - cefoxtin - ampicillin
Toxocara canis - Toxascaris leonina - and Toxocara cati (roundworms) - Trichuris vulpis -(whipworms) Ancylostoma caninum - Isopora spp (coccidia) - Capillaria aerophila - Giardia spp - Tritrichomonas foetus
Mucosa is damaged - inflammation occurs - signs develop
20. What is gastritis?
Increased serum trypsinogen - like immunoreactivity - pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI) - and (fPLI)
*gastric indiscretion (eating garbage) - spoiled food - change in diet - food allergy - infection(bacterial - viral - parasitic) - toxins - foreign object ingestion
Common cause of vomiting in dogs
Palpation of sausage- like mass in cranial abdomen; ultrasound shows multi- layered concentric rings representing large intestinal wall layers
21. Who is at increased risk for oral neoplasia?
Males have increased risk for melonoma and fibrosarcoma; dogs with pimented oral mucosa greater risk for melonoma
Rapidly growing tumors characterized by early bone involvement metastatisize to lungs
Hypoallergenic diets - low fat diets with high fiber; goal to control signs; may have frequent defecation chronically
High protein - high calorie diet - feeding tube - (for up to 2 mos) - IV fluids - potassium supplementation - metaclopramide sq 15 min before feeding if vomiting occurs - wean cat off feeding tube
22. What are Portosystemic shunts?
Ductus venosus remains patent after birth - the blood from abdominal viscera will continue to bypass liver - liver is unable to filter deleterious and toxic substances
Ulcerative - erosive neoplasms; invade bone and metastisize to regional lymph nodes
Hypoproteinemia - hypoalbuminemia - decreased BUN - mildly increased ALT< ALP - increased serum bile acids - hyperammonemia
Hypoallergenic diets - low fat diets with high fiber; goal to control signs; may have frequent defecation chronically
23. What are gastritis signs?
Anorexia - acute vomiting - +/- dehydration - +/- painful abdomen
Anorexia - depression - weight loss - spoadic vomiting - hepatomegaly - possible bleeding tendencies (petechiae - bleeding from gums0
Enlarged stomach pushes against diaphragm - making breathing difficult blocks venous return thru hepatic portal vein and caudal vena cava increased pressure on gastric wall causes ischemia and necrosis Spleen may be involved (congestion) *hypovolemic
Common cause of vomiting in dogs
24. What is Chronic Enteropathies TX (cont)
Treatment can be long and expensive - often not cured - monitor dogs and cats on long term antinflammatory therapy
Prognosis uncertain and variable; tx may be prolonged and expensive; permanent damage to liver my occur
Medical management seldom successful - low protein diet - lactilose - metronidazole - fluids - surgical ligation of shunt is preferred
Cbc - microcytosis - target cells - poikilocytosis - mild regenerative anemia xray microhepatia
25. Portosystemic shunts signs
Many cats have underlying disease that interferes with local immunity in gingava' cats should be screened for disease
Siamese - himalayans - abyssinians
Perineal swelling - tenesmus - dyschezia - constipation - possible urethral obstruction if bladder involved
Anorexia - depression - lethargy - weakness - ataxia - head- pressing - circling - pacing - blindness - seizures - coma - hypersalivation and bizarre aggressive behavior in cats
26. Feline Hepatic Lipidosis DX: CBC
Rapidly growing tumors characterized by early bone involvement metastatisize to lungs
Ductus venosus remains patent after birth - the blood from abdominal viscera will continue to bypass liver - liver is unable to filter deleterious and toxic substances
CBC; nonregenerative anemia; stress neutrophilia lymphopenia
27. Perianal fistula (anal fistula) TX
Cyclosporin +/- ketoconazole - tacrolimus 0.1% topical - prednisone - azathioprine stool softeners(lactolose) antimicrobials (adjunct for seconary dermatitus)
Siamese - himalayans - abyssinians
Emergency!! decompress stomach(18 g needle) - stabilize patient - prep for surgery stomach tube treat shock bicarbonate if total carbon dioxide <12 mEq IV antibiotics targeted against gram-/anaerobes - cefoxtin - ampicillin
With stool softeners and enemas palliatively
28. Cholangiohepatitis TX
Stress - diet changes - boarding - illness; enviro. change resulting in anorexia >2 wks - imbalance occurs between breakdown of peripheral lipids; lipid clearance w/in liver occurs; excess fat accumulation w/in hepatocytes
Weakness - collapse - depression - nausea - non - productive retching - hypersalivation - abdominal pain and distension - increased hr and resp
Contraindicated because docusate will act as a surfacant on the mineral oil - allowing it to be absorbed by the colonic mucosa - and the mineral oil will prevent water from getting to feces
Antibiotics - ursodeoxycolic acid - prednisone - fluid and electrolyte corrections - vitamin and nutritional support - S- adenosylmethioonie
29. What is large inflammatory bowel disease: DX
Common cause of vomiting in dogs
PE often normal - edema or ascities if protein losing enteropathy - mdb - fecal - xray - endoscopy/biopsy (looking for lymphotic- plasmacytic infiltrates)
Mdb - fecal - xray - colonoscopy with biopsy ( histo will show lymphocytes and plasma cells in large intestinal lamina propria)
Supportive care: fluids and electrolyte balance; potassium if needed; NPO 3-4 days if vomiting; antiemetics; analgesia (Buprenorphine in cats; butorphanol in dogs) antibiotics: (enroflaxin - trimethaprin gluccocorticoids)
30. What is megacolon? : who gets it?
Toxocara canis - Toxascaris leonina - and Toxocara cati (roundworms) - Trichuris vulpis -(whipworms) Ancylostoma caninum - Isopora spp (coccidia) - Capillaria aerophila - Giardia spp - Tritrichomonas foetus
Mild to moderate increase in ALT - normal to increased ALP - mild to moderate increase in GGT - normal to increased fasting serum bile acids - hypoalbuminemia -(later stages) - decreased BUN(later stages)
Fairly common in cats(middle- age to older cats); can occur from hypokalema - hypothyroidism - pelvic deformities; 62% of cases are idiopathic; believed to involve a defect in neurostimulation for colon evacuation
Very similar to small intestine diseases - excessive number of inflammatory cells in mucosa - unknown etiology - likely multi factorial - colonic inflammation disrupts mucosal integrity and results in decreased absorption of water and electrolytes
31. Parasitic Diarrhea
Toxocara canis - Toxascaris leonina - and Toxocara cati (roundworms) - Trichuris vulpis -(whipworms) Ancylostoma caninum - Isopora spp (coccidia) - Capillaria aerophila - Giardia spp - Tritrichomonas foetus
Possesses wetting and emulsifying properties - salts reduce surface tension and allow water and fat to penetrate the ingesta and formed feces - may have an effect on cells of the colonic mucosa allowing the ceels to more easily secrete water into lum
Cyclosporin +/- ketoconazole - tacrolimus 0.1% topical - prednisone - azathioprine stool softeners(lactolose) antimicrobials (adjunct for seconary dermatitus)
Single or multiple ulcerated sinuses that involve perianal tissue; often large breed dogs
32. Portosystemic shunts DX: chem
PE often normal - edema or ascities if protein losing enteropathy - mdb - fecal - xray - endoscopy/biopsy (looking for lymphotic- plasmacytic infiltrates)
Very similar to small intestine diseases - excessive number of inflammatory cells in mucosa - unknown etiology - likely multi factorial - colonic inflammation disrupts mucosal integrity and results in decreased absorption of water and electrolytes
Pancreas loses acinar cells followed by inadequate production of digestive enzymes; usually asymptomatic until 85-90% of secretory ability has been lost; lack of normal pancreatic secretions affect mucosal lining of small intestine and decrease absor
Hypoproteinemia - hypoalbuminemia - decreased BUN - mildly increased ALT< ALP - increased serum bile acids - hyperammonemia
33. Megacolon surgical
Very similar to small intestine diseases - excessive number of inflammatory cells in mucosa - unknown etiology - likely multi factorial - colonic inflammation disrupts mucosal integrity and results in decreased absorption of water and electrolytes
x- rays -- mild hepatomegaly ultrasound-- hyperechoic liver histopathology-- severley vacuolized hepatocytes
Subtotal colectomy if refractory to medical and dietary management; rehydrate and correct electrolyte imbalances before anesthsia
34. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) signs
Occurs when smaller - proximal segment of intestine at ileocolic junction invaginates into larger - more distal segment of large intestine telescoping effect causes partial to complete blockage and compromises blood supply - causing necrosis
Increased serum trypsinogen - like immunoreactivity - pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI) - and (fPLI)
Mild to marked weight loss; polyphagia - coprophagia - pica - diarrhea - fatty stoo; foul smelling poop; flatulence
Cbc-- neutraophilia w/ left shift -- mild - regenerative anemia
35. Chronic Enteropathies signs
Many cats have underlying disease that interferes with local immunity in gingava' cats should be screened for disease
Anorexia - depression - weight loss - vomiting - dehydration - fever - jaundice - ascites - hepatomegaly
Cyclosporin +/- ketoconazole - tacrolimus 0.1% topical - prednisone - azathioprine stool softeners(lactolose) antimicrobials (adjunct for seconary dermatitus)
Often non specific - chronic intermittent vomit/ -+/- diarrhea - listlessness - weight loss - older animals - Borygmus (gas sounds in intestine) - halitosis - flatulence - signs progressive over time
36. what is acute diarrhea TX?
Supportive and symptomatic fluid and electrolyte therapy - NPO 24-48 hrs - water if no vomiting - pepto bismol or loperamide - antibiotics - bland low fat diet
Potassium supplement if < 3 mEq monitor ecg treat w/ lidocaine or procanimade * surgery
Extract all premolars - molars - and retained roots - if still recurs remove remaining teeth; steroids
Medical management seldom successful - low protein diet - lactilose - metronidazole - fluids - surgical ligation of shunt is preferred
37. Viral Diarrhea
Parvovirus - distemper - coroavirus - feline panleukopenia
Based on HX and PE; cbc/chem (cbc may indicate stress leukogram and dehydration)
Benign neoplasms (papilomas - epulides)
Cause unknown; ascending biliary infections from GI tract and immune- mediated causes have been suggested; Persian cats predisposed; sometimes occurs in conjuction with pancreatitis and IBD in cats (Triaditis)
38. Diseases of Pancreas: DX: tests
Treatment can be long and expensive - often not cured - monitor dogs and cats on long term antinflammatory therapy
Mucosa is damaged - inflammation occurs - signs develop
PE often normal - edema or ascities if protein losing enteropathy - mdb - fecal - xray - endoscopy/biopsy (looking for lymphotic- plasmacytic infiltrates)
Increased serum trypsinogen - like immunoreactivity - pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI) - and (fPLI)
39. What is gastritis TX?
Common in intact older male dogs >8; atrophy of levator ani muscle causes herniation of rectum and pelvic organs into ischiorectal fossa
NPO 24-36 hrs - fluid therapy - feed low fat diet ie hills i/d cot cheese - chicken/rice antiemetics(chlorpromazine - metoclopramide - cerinia
Anorexia - depression - weight loss - vomiting - dehydration - fever - jaundice - ascites - hepatomegaly
Increased serum trypsinogen - like immunoreactivity - pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI) - and (fPLI)
40. Intussusception signs are...
Anorexia - depression - weight loss - spoadic vomiting - hepatomegaly - possible bleeding tendencies (petechiae - bleeding from gums0
Diarrhea w/o weight loss - increased frequency of defecation w/ decreased fecal volume - tenesmus - hematochezia (frank blood) - increased mucus - +/- dsschezia and mild fever
Palpation of sausage- like mass in cranial abdomen; ultrasound shows multi- layered concentric rings representing large intestinal wall layers
Vomiting - anorexia - depression - diarrhea (often bloody)
41. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) PX
Atypical immune response of unknown etiology?
Irreversible - requires life long treatment; expensive (pancreatic enzyme replacements); give with every meal; most animals will regain weight and diarrhea will resolve
CBC; nonregenerative anemia; stress neutrophilia lymphopenia
Unknown - but can result from parasites - foreign bodies - infections - neoplasia
42. Cholangiohepatitis DX : chem
Mild to moderate increase in ALT - normal to increased ALP - mild to moderate increase in GGT - normal to increased fasting serum bile acids - hypoalbuminemia -(later stages) - decreased BUN(later stages)
Older animals
Unclear mechanism: diet and exercise - delayed gastric emptying - pyloric obstruction - aerophagia - and engorgement; possible gastric dysrhthmias; filling w/ air causes dilation (bloat); air filled stomach twisting on it axis causes volvulus
Rapidly growing tumors characterized by early bone involvement metastatisize to lungs
43. What is dietary treatment of large inflammatory bowel disease?
Potassium supplement if < 3 mEq monitor ecg treat w/ lidocaine or procanimade * surgery
Cbc normal; increased ALT; decreased total lipid serum; trypsin - likeimmunoreactivity levels are decreased
Common cause of vomiting in dogs
Hypoallergenic diets - low fat diets with high fiber; goal to control signs; may have frequent defecation chronically
44. Portosystemic shunts TX
Siamese - himalayans - abyssinians
Medical management seldom successful - low protein diet - lactilose - metronidazole - fluids - surgical ligation of shunt is preferred
Very similar to small intestine diseases - excessive number of inflammatory cells in mucosa - unknown etiology - likely multi factorial - colonic inflammation disrupts mucosal integrity and results in decreased absorption of water and electrolytes
Ductus venosus remains patent after birth - the blood from abdominal viscera will continue to bypass liver - liver is unable to filter deleterious and toxic substances
45. How to treat megacolon with diet?
Increase fiber - soft canned food - salt food to increase water intake
Surgical removal - chemo - radiation poor prognosis
Palpation of sausage- like mass in cranial abdomen; ultrasound shows multi- layered concentric rings representing large intestinal wall layers
*gastric indiscretion (eating garbage) - spoiled food - change in diet - food allergy - infection(bacterial - viral - parasitic) - toxins - foreign object ingestion
46. Intussusception cause
Stool softeners - Ducolax - docusate - lactulose - enemas - Cisapride - correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances - antibiotics to protect against sepsis thru damaged colonic wall - treat any underlying disease
Potassium supplement if < 3 mEq monitor ecg treat w/ lidocaine or procanimade * surgery
Inflamed gums - often with minor calculus
Unknown - but can result from parasites - foreign bodies - infections - neoplasia
47. What is Feline Hepatic Lipidosis? who gets it?
Idiopathic - most common hepatopathy in cats adult - obese cats any age - sex - breed
Medical management seldom successful - low protein diet - lactilose - metronidazole - fluids - surgical ligation of shunt is preferred
Anorexia - depression - weight loss - vomiting - dehydration - fever - jaundice - ascites - hepatomegaly
Debride ulcers and diseased tissue - possibly cryosurgery - may use medical tx first to decrease the size of the fistulas - then surgery
48. Gastric Dilation/Volvulus (GDV) signs
Older animals
Ulcerative - erosive neoplasms; invade bone and metastisize to regional lymph nodes
Weakness - collapse - depression - nausea - non - productive retching - hypersalivation - abdominal pain and distension - increased hr and resp
Cbc - leukocytosis - increased PCV chem - azotemia - increased ALT - mils hypocalcemia - hyperlipemia - normal to increased amylase and lipase4
49. How to give enemas for mega colon or constipation?
Unclear mechanism: diet and exercise - delayed gastric emptying - pyloric obstruction - aerophagia - and engorgement; possible gastric dysrhthmias; filling w/ air causes dilation (bloat); air filled stomach twisting on it axis causes volvulus
Lubricated red rubber feeding tube inserted and enema solution injected: pre- fabricated pet enemas are available: include warm - soapy water (avoid hexachlorophene); docusate (emollient); mineral oil(lubricant)
HX and pe demonstrate weak - shocky animal (long crt - abnormal mm) xray ecg - ventricular arrhthmia or sinus tach cbc/chem for correction of electrolye and ph imbalances - fluid therapy
Recurrence infrequent - prognosis depends on extent of damage - common in puppies with heavy parasitic infestation
50. How crazy Dr C is to think we can learn all of this SH*T!!!!!!
x- rays -- mild hepatomegaly ultrasound-- hyperechoic liver histopathology-- severley vacuolized hepatocytes
High protein - high calorie diet - feeding tube - (for up to 2 mos) - IV fluids - potassium supplementation - metaclopramide sq 15 min before feeding if vomiting occurs - wean cat off feeding tube
Pe - distended colon is filled with firm - packed feces - x- ray show colon width greater than length of lumbar vertebra - mdb (possible dehydration - increased hct