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Vmware VCP
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1. If more vRAM is allocated than licensed for - new VM's cannot be ______
vswif interfaces to vmk interfaces
powered on
Interactive Installation
2. The amount of physical host memory allocated to a guest (includes virtualisation overhead.
Host memory usage
1) esxcli network IP interface list. 2) View the VMkernel interface properties in the vSphere client.
3. __________ - it is possible to Configure Host DNS - Shutdown host - view host logs
network throughput to virtual machines
Quiescing virtual machine snapshot operation
Via the Direct Console
4. vCenter requires a valid (internal) ____________ registration
8 cores - 16GB RAM - 10GB disk
root password & IP address.
domain name system (DNS)
root & vpxuser
5. what is the protocol is used by an ESXi host to communicate with NAS devices
domain name system (DNS)
manage storage placement
default security policy
6. A ______________ has been added to ESXi 5.0 to improve security.
Image Builder
Memory allocation - memory limit
7. SplitRX can be used to increase ______
60 days
boot from Software iSCSI adapter
32GB vRAM - 8-way vCPU
network throughput to virtual machines
8. ESXi Dump Collector is ______
a logical representation of the memory and CPU resources that satisfy the requirements for any powered-on virtual machine in the cluster.
analyze traffic from a vSphere Distributed Switch
a new feature of vSphere 5
The vSphere power CLI image builder cmdlet
9. If the 'Admission Control' option 'Disable: Allow VM power on operations that violate availability constraints' is selected - then only VMs with a ___________are restarted on surviving ESXi hosts.
NUMA - Non-Uniform Memory Access
Virtual Machine Memory Overhead
Memory allocation - memory limit
high restart priority
10. Web Services HTTPS. Used for the VMware VirtualCenter Management Web Services.
root & vpxuser
critical host patches and non-critical host patches
dynamic allocation of storage capacity
11. Two ways to ____________ (SSH) on an ESXi 5.x host: 1. Through the Security Profile pane of the Configuration tab in the vSphere Client. 2. Through the Direct Console User inferface (DCUI.)
enable remote tech support mode
RDMs using NPIV
2 cores - 4GB RAM - 5GB disk
12. ______________ is not migrated for ESX 4.x hosts or ESXi 4.0 hosts because: (SSH access is disabled during the migration or upgrade process.) SSH access is disabled during the migration or upgrade process.
valid objects
predefined vCenter Server roles
SSH configuration
13. The vCenter Server system needs to _______ - even if you are not joining this vCenter Server instance to a Linked Mode group.
bind to port 389
valid objects
Distributed Power Management (DPM)
14. It is now possible in vSphere 5 to ________________
static discovery & send targets
Storage vMotion virtual machines that have snapshots
other uses of port 902
Forged transmits
15. vCenter Heartbeat product provides - _____________ - for vCenter server
vCenter Server Appliance
high availability
larger than the unified 1MB file block size
decouples the Vmware ESXi host
16. _____________ that can be installed from the VMware vSphere 5.0 vCenter Installer: Product Installers- vSphere Client - VMware vSphere Web Client (Server) - VMware vSphere Update Manager. Support tools-VMware ESXi Dump Collector - VMware Syslog Colle
Master or Slave
Profile-Driven Storage feature
optional components
vSphere Standard Switch Traffic
17. A remote SSH connection to a newly installed ESXi 5.x host _____ - possible causes: The SSH service is disabled on the host by default. The ESXi firewall blocks the SSH protocol by default.
network throughput to virtual machines
8 cores - 16GB RAM - 10GB disk
Host memory usage
18. Removes the service console port group because ESXi 5.0 has no Service Console.
vSphere Standard Switch Traffic
ESX 4.X to ESXi 5.0 upgrade
kernel module integrity
powered on
19. 3 ways that vSphere Auto Deploy can access the answer file ______
Memory allocation - memory limit
optional components
20. By default - hosts deployed with VMware Auto Deploy store logs in ______
root & vpxuser
Automation Levels
New features
21. Default Hosts upgrade baselines included with vSphere Update Manager: _________________________
enable remote tech support mode
configuration on the Appliance Administration page
VMware HCL
critical host patches and non-critical host patches
22. vCenter Server 5 requires a ____________
Unplanned Device Loss in a vSphere 5 environment
64 Bit DSN
23. Lists the correct MPP (Multi-Pathing Protocol) to use with a storage array.
a new feature of vSphere 5
other uses of port 902
64 Bit DSN
VMware HCL
24. ____________________ shaping settings: Status - Disabled/Enabled - Average Bandwidth (Kbit/sec) - Peak Bandwidth (Kbit/sec) - Burst Size (Kbytes.)
vSphere Standard Switch Traffic
update virtual machine hardware
vSphere 5 vCenter Server System
multiple vMotion vmknics
25. Used to create ESXi installation images with a customized set of updates - patches - and drivers
uplink a Hardware FCoE Adapter
Image Builder
26. _________________ = amount of virtual machine memory that will always be composed of disk pages.
analyze traffic from a vSphere Distributed Switch
Memory allocation - memory limit
1) esxcli network IP interface list. 2) View the VMkernel interface properties in the vSphere client.
Virtual Machine Memory Overhead
27. storage vMotion cannot be used with _______________
RDMs using NPIV
disable alarm actions
28. Community Supported < Partner Supported < VMware Accepted < VMware Certified (where VMware Certified Acceptance Level has the most stringent requirements.)
Memory allocation - memory limit
Image Profile Acceptance Levels
configuration on the Appliance Administration page
29. vCenter Service Appliance remediation via Update Manager 5.0 first requires: _________________
root password & IP address.
VMware vCloud Director
8 cores - 16GB RAM - 10GB disk
configuration on the Appliance Administration page
30. The quickest possible way to deploy > 10 ESXi hosts.
root password & IP address.
VMware Auto Deploy Installation
dynamic allocation of storage capacity
31. A computer memory design used in multiprocessors where the memory access time depends on the memory location relative to a processor.
Storage vMotion virtual machines that have snapshots
NUMA - Non-Uniform Memory Access
domain name system (DNS)
Forged transmits
32. The three Host Isolation Response options available on a HA Cluster are ______
multiple vMotion vmknics
kernel module integrity
update virtual machine hardware
shut down - power off - leave powered on
33. Update Manager can be used to upgrade the ___________________
Shared local storage
Unplanned Device Loss in a vSphere 5 environment
RDM boot mapping files
vCenter Server Appliance
34. Notify Switches → the physical switch is notified when the location of a virtual NIC changes.
The vSphere power CLI image builder cmdlet
RDMs vs physical compatibility mode RDMs
NIC Teaming policy
35. A HA Slot is ______
predefined vCenter Server roles
SSH configuration
a logical representation of the memory and CPU resources that satisfy the requirements for any powered-on virtual machine in the cluster.
New features
36. Three storage I/O control conditions that might ______________ detected on the datastore alarm: 1) The datastore is on an array that is performing system tasks such as replication. 2) The datastore is utilizing active/passive multipathing or NMP (Nat
trigger the non-VI workload
boot from Software iSCSI adapter
Host Profiles
a logical representation of the memory and CPU resources that satisfy the requirements for any powered-on virtual machine in the cluster.
37. Requirements for a collector virtual machine to ___________: 1) The source and target virtual machines must both be on a vNetwork Switch - but can be on any vDS datacenter. 2) The port group on distributed port must have NetFlow enabled.
visibility of virtual-machine traffic
analyze traffic from a vSphere Distributed Switch
valid objects
38. _____________ pools virtual infrastructure resources in data centers and delivers them to users as a catalog-based service.
manage storage placement
%WAIT metric
VMware vCloud Director
39. Is checked to determine if CPU contention exists on an ESXi 5.x host.
disabled - low - medium - high
%WAIT metric
40. Upgrade from VMFS-3 to VMFS-5 requires how much downtime?
Host memory usage
manage storage placement
Unplanned Device Loss in a vSphere 5 environment
41. In a HA cluster after an initial election process - host is either__________
stop virtual machines restarting
Master or Slave
8 cores - 16GB RAM - 10GB disk
42. By default - the Administrator role at the ESX Host Server level is assigned to ______
high availability
high restart priority
root & vpxuser
powered on
43. Web Service change service notification port
optional components
Unplanned Device Loss in a vSphere 5 environment
44. If you create a portgroup and assign it to VLAN 4095 - it will have ___________ that are exposed to the physical NIC (a special driver is needed within the VM that can properly tag VLANs.)
access to all the VLANs
Image Profile Acceptance Levels
45. The amount of physical memory that is guaranteed to the VM.
2 cores - 4GB RAM - 5GB disk
Memory reservation
32GB physical RAM per host
Interactive Installation
46. ESX is ____ longer available with vSphere 5
Shared local storage
vSphere Distributed Switch
47. Two iSCSI discovery methods supported by an ESXi host: _____________
static discovery & send targets
dynamic allocation of storage capacity
1TB in size when using virtual disks - and no more than 500GB in size when using a CIFS network share.
analyze traffic from a vSphere Distributed Switch
48. Packaging format used by the VMware ESXi Image Builder
static discovery & send targets
49. VMware vSphere can be evaluated for ______
60 days
convert thin provisioned disk to thick
shut down - power off - leave powered on
a new feature of vSphere 5
50. The vCenter Server system also uses port 443 to monitor ______
default security policy
32GB vRAM - 8-way vCPU
resource contention
data transfer from SDK clients.