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Wellness Coach Training
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1. Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change-General
The five stages of change model - developed by Dr. Prochaska - provide coaches with an understanding of how and when behaviors can be altered and why clients may struggle - fail - or quit.
Someone who is sympathetic identifies with another's experience - whereas - an empathetic person seeks to understand and appreciate that experience.
Holding them in positive regard - Expressing empathy - Slowing down - Listening with full attention - Allowing them to formulate and find their own answers - Honestly sharing observations - Under promising and over delivering - Being humble in
Adversity - what you Believe about it - and what the Consequences are. Then argue with yourself - in writing - by Disputing exaggerations. Allow yourself to be Energized by a compelling vision of What is possible in the positive future.
2. Additionally - an assessment can provide initial information about a client's
1. Priorities 2. Confidence 3. Readiness for change
It is the key that unlocks the Through goal setting - we turn visions and intentions into actions and reality - door to self-efficacy and self-esteem when it comes to health - fitness - and wellness.
What is your confidence level on a scale of 0 to 10 for achieving this goal?
Increased self-awareness and self-knowledge - Acquisition of new knowledge and skills - Attainment of personal and professional goals - Sustainable behavior change - Increased life satisfaction - Increased self-efficacy - Becoming one's best s
3. Design (The 5-D CYCLE OF AI)
4. Resistance Talk
Sounds as though you've come up with a vision which will work for you. How ready - confident - and committed are you to take the first steps toward your vision?
What are the most important elements in your vision? If you keep these in mind - will they power you forward and help you stay on track?
As a Wellness Coach you should ________ 'failures' as 'life lessons' and 'learning opportunities'.
Any talk by the client that argues against the case for change (or for staying the same).
5. Mindfulness
The non-judgmental awareness of What is happening in the present moment.
These reflections are like the images we see in trifold mirrors - revealing multiple perspectives at the same time.
'Tell me about the core - life-giving factors in your experience. What are the key ingredients - both internal and external - that enable you to be at your best and to have fun?'
The positive past requires a sense of satisfaction with the domains of life that are important to an individual
6. right balance
7. The outcomes delivered by coaches include...
8. Send emails
As a Wellness Coach you should _________ between sessions.
'Tell me about your best experience with this area of your wellness - a time when you felt most alive and engaged. What made it so exciting? Who was there? Describe the experience in detail.'
The Bedrock of Coaching. The belief that one has value and self-worth (the evaluation of self)
Specific - Measurable - Action Based - Realistic - Timelined
9. Steps to Assist Clients in Developing a Compelling Vision #8 Challenges
Appreciative Inquiry
What significant events do you anticipate having to deal with on the way to reaching your vision? (Generate multiple possibilities and express empathy.) What concerns you most?
For example - designing environmental reminders to do What is planned.
Contemplation and/or preparation stage for at least one area (fitness - weight - nutrition - stress - mental or physical health) and your coaching program will help them reach the maintenance phase (sustaining the new behavior consistently week to we
10. Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change-General
The five stages of change model - developed by Dr. Prochaska - provide coaches with an understanding of how and when behaviors can be altered and why clients may struggle - fail - or quit.
As a Wellness Coach you should _________ between sessions.
When it serves the best interests of the client and the coaching program - not because a coach wants to share and be understood (subtly inviting the client to play the role of coach).
The positive past requires a sense of satisfaction with the domains of life that are important to an individual
11. Other benefits of having clients complete a Well-Being Assessment include...
The five stages of change model - developed by Dr. Prochaska - provide coaches with an understanding of how and when behaviors can be altered and why clients may struggle - fail - or quit.
An overall picture of the client's present state of being including physical health - lifestyle habits - strengths - life satisfaction - and readiness to make changes.
Accountability means monitoring and giving an account of what was done - what happened - what worked - what didn't work - and what one wants to do differently in the future.
1. Trust and rapport 2. Honoring personality preferences 3. The written word
12. Outcome goals
Explore what they mean by those words and what will enable them to move forward in order to achieve their goals - not just - immediately - but also long term. Stay focused on solution and possibility.
These are not behavioral goals-lack the behavioral piece that is the bridge to success. May lead to disappointment.
Prior to starting a moderate exercise program - only high-risk individuals are recommended to see a physician. Moderate exercise is the equivalent of brisk walking at 3-4 mph (4.6-6.5 kmph) or an activity that can be sustained for about 45 minutes.
Sounds as though you've come up with a vision which will work for you. How ready - confident - and committed are you to take the first steps toward your vision?
13. supportive
Positive Anticipation of the Future stems from Positive Attention in the Present.
As a Wellness Coach you should not ____________ - unless your client gives permission and requests such assistance.
As a Wellness Coach you should Be ___________ and encourage family support (spouse - friends).
Without being modest - what do you value most about your life? What values does your wellness vision support?
14. Rewards
As a Wellness Coach you should _______________ - as long as it builds self-esteem and self-efficacy.
Setting up ways to be rewarded or rewarding yourself for completing your weekly action goals.
The quality or state of being in good health or one's best possible health - especially as an actively sought goal - the condition of good physical and mental health - especially when maintained by proper diet - exercise - and life habits - the maste
When clients are struggling - we should reassure them that different people move towards mastery of health - fitness - or wellness at different speeds and at different times in their lives. When they are ready - they can and will succeed.
15. Steps to Assist Clients in Developing a Compelling Vision #1 First Picture
16. Psychological wounds
1. Energy 2. Life satisfaction 3. Mental and Emotional Fitness 4. Weight Management 5. Physical activity / exercise 6. Nutrition 7. Health
Increased self-awareness and self-knowledge - Acquisition of new knowledge and skills - Attainment of personal and professional goals - Sustainable behavior change - Increased life satisfaction - Increased self-efficacy - Becoming one's best s
As a Wellness Coach you should not _____________ what clients are saying.
In some cases psychological wounds go too deep or human functioning is too severely compromised by psychopathology to respond to coaching. When this happens - it quickly becomes self-evident (often from an initial assessment - see Chapter 7) and it i
17. TTM
What strengths can you draw on to help you realize your vision and meet your challenges? How can the lessons from your successes in life carry over to your current challenges?
Trans-Theoretical Model
As a Wellness Coach you should _____ with clients' feelings and needs.
Positive Questions and Reflections stem from Positive Anticipation of the Future.
18. Self-efficacy
Recruiting family and friends to help with behavior change by specifically asking each of them to consider the particular thing you would like them to do for you. This requires clients to think carefully about what they would like someone to do and t
'I may'
Setting up ways to be rewarded or rewarding yourself for completing your weekly action goals.
The belief that one has the capability to initiate or sustain a desired behavior - is one of the most important outcomes of coaching
19. AI
Appreciative Inquiry
Any talk by the client that argues against the case for change (or for staying the same).
1. Priorities 2. Confidence 3. Readiness for change
A process for enhancing empathic connection and honest understanding between people.
20. express themselves fully
As a Wellness Coach you should Eradicate ________and show appreciation for the challenges of making and maintaining behavioral changes.
As a Wellness Coach you should Remember ___________ - such as birthdays - anniversaries - promotions - etc.
Gratitude Forgiveness
As a Wellness Coach you should Begin each session by asking clients how they feel now. Give clients a chance to _____________.
21. Discover (The 5-D CYCLE OF AI)
Positive Anticipation of the Future stems from Positive Attention in the Present.
Once the learning agreement is clear - the next step is to assist clients in discovering promising examples of their desired outcomes - both past and present.
1. Self-Awareness & Responsibility 2. Strengths 3. Values & Meaning 4. Benefits & Information 5. Challenges and Strategies
Values - relational skills - and coaching processes - evidence-based where possible.
22. Vicarious Experiences
Recall the hurt - Empathize - Altruistic gift of forgiveness - Commit to forgive publicly - Hold onto forgiveness
The five stages of change model - developed by Dr. Prochaska - provide coaches with an understanding of how and when behaviors can be altered and why clients may struggle - fail - or quit.
Positive Questions and Reflections stem from Positive Anticipation of the Future.
Observing Similar Role Models
23. Reframe
24. Solicit input and suggestions
Soliciting input builds the coaching relationship by making it clear to clients that their coach is totally devoted to their success.
On a scale of 0-10 - with 10 being really confident and 0 being no confidence - how confident are you that you can close this gap and realize your vision?
The purpose of Appreciative Inquiry is to elevate both the energy and self-efficacy of clients - in order to assist them in realizing their destiny.
1. Express Empathy 2. Develop Discrepancy 3. Roll With Resistance 4. Support Self-Efficacy
25. Steps to Assist Clients in Developing a Compelling Vision #8 Challenges
Contemplation and/or preparation stage for at least one area (fitness - weight - nutrition - stress - mental or physical health) and your coaching program will help them reach the maintenance phase (sustaining the new behavior consistently week to we
A respectful understanding of another person's experience - including his or her feelings - needs - and desires.
What significant events do you anticipate having to deal with on the way to reaching your vision? (Generate multiple possibilities and express empathy.) What concerns you most?
Observing Similar Role Models
26. Challenge clients to aim higher
As a Wellness Coach you should Use _______ to lighten the load.
'Tell me about the things you value most deeply - things about yourself - your relationships - and your work. Without being modest - who are you when you are at your best?'
analyze problems - give advice - prescribe solutions - recommend goals - develop strategies - teach new skills - or - provide education.
As a Wellness Coach you should _____________ - if you think they can accomplish more.
27. Measuring Client Confidence
1. Getting Information: Finding out about all the benefits (e.g. - medical and lifestyle) of doing a behavior. 2. Being Moved Emotionally: Taking to heart the health effects of a behavior and using them to ignite your drive to change. 3. Considering
What is your confidence level on a scale of 0 to 10 for achieving this goal?
Tell me what your vision looks like. Paint me a picture. What would you look and feel like at your ideal level of wellness? What kind of person do you want to be when it comes to your health - fitness - or wellness? (Clarify until it's reasonably suc
What strengths can you draw on to help you realize your vision and meet your challenges? How can the lessons from your successes in life carry over to your current challenges?
28. Steps to Assist Clients in Developing a Compelling Vision #1 First Picture
29. Describe a Vision
Values - relational skills - and coaching processes - evidence-based where possible.
A vision is a compelling statement of who you are and what health-promoting - life-giving behaviors you want to do consistently.
When it serves the best interests of the client and the coaching program - not because a coach wants to share and be understood (subtly inviting the client to play the role of coach).
On a scale of 0-10 - with 10 being really confident and 0 being no confidence - how confident are you that you can close this gap and realize your vision?
30. Positive Present - Elevating Emotions
Trans-Theoretical Model
Mindfulness - Savoring - Flow
Adversity - what you Believe about it - and what the Consequences are. Then argue with yourself - in writing - by Disputing exaggerations. Allow yourself to be Energized by a compelling vision of What is possible in the positive future.
analyze problems - give advice - prescribe solutions - recommend goals - develop strategies - teach new skills - or - provide education.
32. Silence
33. Obtain regular input
The positive past requires a sense of satisfaction with the domains of life that are important to an individual
As a Wellness Coach you should _____________ - if you think they can accomplish more.
As a Wellness Coach you should ___________ regarding What is and is not working in the coaching process.
The belief that one has the capability to initiate or sustain a desired behavior - is one of the most important outcomes of coaching
34. Important components of a Compelling Vision
Behavioral Goal: I will do three 30-minute sessions of walking each week - at 60-70% of my maximal heart rate - with my friend Jane. Desired Outcome: increase cardiovascular health so that I don't die prematurely.
'Tell me about the core - life-giving factors in your experience. What are the key ingredients - both internal and external - that enable you to be at your best and to have fun?'
A Grounded (Building on Current Success) - Bold (Stretching the Status Quo) - Desired (What People Truly Want) - Palpable (As If they were Already True) - and Participatory (Involving Many Stakeholders)
Soliciting input builds the coaching relationship by making it clear to clients that their coach is totally devoted to their success.
35. Vicarious Experiences
Values (Who do I want to be?) - Outcomes (What results do I want to achieve?) - Behaviors (What activities do I want to do consistently?) - Motivators (Why does this matter a lot to me - right now?) - Strengths (What strengths - talents - and abilit
Observing Similar Role Models
It is the key that unlocks the Through goal setting - we turn visions and intentions into actions and reality - door to self-efficacy and self-esteem when it comes to health - fitness - and wellness.
As a Wellness Coach you should not play __________.
36. positive changes
The design phase of the AI process gives the dream legs by working to align the client's infrastructure with the dream.
These reflections are like the images we see in a periscope. They redirect our attention away from a resistance-provoking subject in order to focus on another area.
As a Wellness Coach you should Praise clients for their efforts and focus on the ___________.
Reflective listening statements function like mirrors - enabling clients to see themselves in new ways and muster the motivation for change. Receptive and timely reflections lie at the heart of MI when it comes to developing discrepancy.
38. Action
39. Double-Sided Reflections.
These reflections are like the images we see in trifold mirrors - revealing multiple perspectives at the same time.
A vision is a compelling statement of who you are and what health-promoting - life-giving behaviors you want to do consistently.
'Tell me about the core - life-giving factors in your experience. What are the key ingredients - both internal and external - that enable you to be at your best and to have fun?'
These reflections are like the images we see in a convex or concave mirror. say in order to evoke disagreement from them in the direction of change-talk. By reflecting an increased or decreased intensity of the client's perspective - magnifying both
40. Empathy
41. Define (The 5-D CYCLE OF AI)
As a Wellness Coach you should Be ___________ and encourage family support (spouse - friends).
What makes this vision really important to you? Why do you really want to reach this vision? What good will come from your doing so? (Give examples of powerful motivators.)
As a Wellness Coach you should _______________ - books - and other publications.
The process starts by securing an agreement between coach and client as to what the client wants to learn (topic choice) and how the client wants to learn it (method choice).
42. Physiological / Affective States
The process starts by securing an agreement between coach and client as to what the client wants to learn (topic choice) and how the client wants to learn it (method choice).
Giving respectful attention and understanding to physiological / affective states - both during and between coaching sessions - can assist coaches and clients in finding that sweet spot.
1. Mindful Listening 2. Open-Ended Inquiry restate what a client says in more or less his or her own words. 3. Perceptive Reflections
A process for enhancing empathic connection and honest understanding between people.
43. Positive Past-Elevating Memories
Framing a client's experiences in positive terms. Once the conversation takes a positive turn - it is easier to engage in brainstorming - action planning - and forward movement.
1. Priorities 2. Confidence 3. Readiness for change
Values (Who do I want to be?) - Outcomes (What results do I want to achieve?) - Behaviors (What activities do I want to do consistently?) - Motivators (Why does this matter a lot to me - right now?) - Strengths (What strengths - talents - and abilit
Gratitude Forgiveness
44. Unconditional positive regard
Framing a client's experiences in positive terms. Once the conversation takes a positive turn - it is easier to engage in brainstorming - action planning - and forward movement.
1. Express Empathy 2. Develop Discrepancy 3. Roll With Resistance 4. Support Self-Efficacy
Being completely accepting toward another person - without reservations
What strategies may be effective to help you realize your vision and meet your challenges? (Brainstorm and clarify multiple possibilities before focusing.)
45. Satisfaction
The positive past requires a sense of satisfaction with the domains of life that are important to an individual
A client-centered - directive method for motivating change by exploring and resolving ambivalence.
1. Make observations - not evaluations 2. Express feelings - not thoughts 3. Identify needs - not strategies 4. Make requests - not demands.
As a Wellness Coach you should _______________ - books - and other publications.
Recall the hurt - Empathize - Altruistic gift of forgiveness - Commit to forgive publicly - Hold onto forgiveness
Positive Questions and Reflections stem from Positive Anticipation of the Future.
As a Wellness Coach you should Look for openings to _______ their best experiences - core values - and heartfelt wishes.
As a Wellness Coach you should not play __________.
47. Positive Psychology
Be aware of any 'red flags' such as health risks - injuries - or other health concerns that might require a physician release before engaging in regular exercise. If exercise will be a part of the coaching program - a physician release form can be pr
Positive Energy and Emotion stem from Positive Conversations and Interactions.
Has identified and documented the value of numerous interventions for enhancing self-esteem
Prior to starting a vigorous exercise program - it is recommended that moderate or high-risk individuals (see definitions below) see a doctor or have exercise testing before participation. Vigorous exercise is the equivalent of running or walking fas
48. The Constructionist Principle (Appreciative Inquiry)
Positive Energy and Emotion stem from Positive Conversations and Interactions.
As a Wellness Coach you should __________ to necessary environmental modifications.
Values (Who do I want to be?) - Outcomes (What results do I want to achieve?) - Behaviors (What activities do I want to do consistently?) - Motivators (Why does this matter a lot to me - right now?) - Strengths (What strengths - talents - and abilit
As a Wellness Coach you should not ___________ or your issues during sessions.
49. STOP Tool
The non-judgmental awareness of What is happening in the present moment.
When it serves the best interests of the client and the coaching program - not because a coach wants to share and be understood (subtly inviting the client to play the role of coach).
Step back - Think - and Organize thoughts before Proceeding.
1. Mindful Listening 2. Open-Ended Inquiry restate what a client says in more or less his or her own words. 3. Perceptive Reflections
50. Silence