Test your basic knowledge |

Wilderness Survival

Subjects : literacy, soft-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Orographic lifting is the lifting of air over a _____ barrier.

2. The umbles. Mild - Moderate - or Server Hypothermia?

3. You are going on a solo backcountry hike for a full day. Describe the information you would convey to your roommate or friend before leaving - about your hike and the protocols to follow if you are not back by nightfall.

4. For significant precipitation to form - air must...

5. Can't perform complex mental tasks. Mild - Moderate - or Server Hypothermia?

6. If the separation between the flash of lightning and the clap of thunder is 20 seconds - the lightning is how far away?

7. What is the first core organ to exhibit signs of being affected by hypothermia?

8. Water conducts heat away from the body approximately __ times faster than air at the same temperature.

9. Exposure of an area to cool - wet conditions for approximately __ hours is necessary to produce trench foot.

10. It is not always ok to use ________ as a treatment modality for someone experiencing mild or moderate hypothermia.

11. Name the four category plants fall into

12. All _____________ are non-poisonous

13. A person with ____________ has lost the ability to rewarm on her/his own.

14. R.I.C.E

15. The kind of air space that exists between fibers and is responsible for trapping body heat is called ___ air space.

16. Dehydration results from inadequate replacement of lost body fluids.A 5-percent loss results in...

17. Which map provides more detail - a 7.5-minute map or a 15-minute map?

18. S.U.R.V.I.V.A.L

19. All others factors being equal - when air rises in a cloudy sky it cools at the rate of __degrees/1000ft.

20. Searchers usually begin their search for a lost person from what location?

21. Heat cramps will occur if a person is...

22. Humans have very efficient...

23. Loss of body heat to circulating wind is called ___.

24. Lines of latitude run east-west and lines of longitude run...

25. The boiling point of water decreases __ degrees for every 1000 feet of elevation gain.

26. Glucose (blood sugar) is the only fuel normally used by...

27. What county agency organizes - and is responsible for search and rescue operations in Oregon?

28. Name some plants that can provide nourishment in the wild

29. Lines of latitude run __________ from each other.

30. Your thirst mechanism is not a very good indicator of your...

31. Clouds do not block...

32. Three blasts of a whistle means ____.

33. __________ can cause deviation of the compass needle.

34. _______ are shorter in the summer than they are in the winter.

35. On the spring and fall ____ the sun rises exactly east and sets exactly west.

36. The sun is approximately due south at what time of day during the month of August?

37. The color black on the map represents what kind of features?

38. Describe the difference between filtering water and purifying water.

39. High altitude begins at what elevation?

40. Ataxia. Mild - Moderate - or Server Hypothermia?

41. Name the five parts of the bow drill.

42. A 10-percent loss of body fluids results in...

43. What are the four cardinal points and inter cardinal points of the compass?

44. Loss of fine motor control in hands. Mild - Moderate - or Server Hypothermia?

45. _________ pack more energy per gram than carbohydrates.

46. If you set up camp in a pristine area - you should move camp every day to...

47. A contour line is a line that connects points of ___ ____.

48. What is the ratio of shelter insulation on top to ground cover?

49. A hot shower can relieve the itching common to...

50. Heat loss due to physical contact with a cooler object is called ___