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Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Selects last book element from the children of books element

2. Returns today's date

3. Inserts new itemX into the collection at the positionX - example insert-before("a", "b", "c"), 3, "z") returns (abzc)

4. +, -, *, div, =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, or, and, mod (modulus)

5. Returns next lowest integer

6. Selects all book elements with a child element "price" with values greater than 35

7. Returns hour value from time passed

8. Returns October or 10 ?

9. Concatenates strings together with separator between each string

10. Selects all elements in the document

11. XSL is what we use to get from readable to _________

12. _______ have 3 primary relationships: parent - child - sibling

13. Returns length of passed string

14. A predicate is used by is used by adding square brackets [ ] to the end of a path or portion of a path - and adding ________ inside the brackets

15. Selects all title AND price elements of all book elements

16. XPath is a major element in _______

17. Returns timezone value from time passed

18. ________ allow more specific selections within the XPath

19. Returns everything after the first occurrence of str2

20. Returns length of current node string

21. Selects attributes

22. Travels from current node to select nodes that match - wherever they are

23. Converts value to a string

24. Selects first two book elements from the children of books element

25. 3 parts of XSL (eXtensible stylesheet language): Xpath for navigating XML documents - XSLT for ______ documents - XSL-FO for formatting XML documents

26. XPath is a for defining parts of an XML document

27. Returns all unique values in that collection - example: distinct-values(a, b, c, d, a, c) returns (a, b, c, d)

28. 3 wildcards: ? matches any element node - @ matches any ___________ - node() matches any node of any kind

29. Predicates work somewhat like _____________

30. Returns false if true - true if false (negative logic)

31. Selects all book elements with an attribute isbn=

32. Replaces chars of str2 found in str1 with chars of str3

33. XML documents are treated as _________- so the root of the tree is called the document node or root node

34. Concatenates strings together (example concat('It",'is','cool') returns "Itiscool"

35. Transformation is actually accomplished by a _____________ like Saxon XSLT

36. Returns boolean true or boolean false

37. Returns minute value from time passed

38. Use a | to select more than one _____ (means AND)

39. Returns n-length substring from start position

40. Returns true if str1 ends with str2

41. Selects from the root node

42. Trims leading and trailing spaces

43. Removes item in the position - example: remove(("ab", "cd", "ef"), 1) returns ("cd", "ef")

44. Returns true if str1 starts with str2

45. Returns complete date/time

46. Returns next highest integer

47. Seven kinds of nodes in XPath: element - attribute - text - namespace - __________ - comment - document (root) nodes - a.k.a. DECANT-PI

48. Selects all title elements which have any attribute

49. Selects parent of current node

50. Compares strings, returns 0 if same, -1 if not same