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Yoga Vocab

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Aparigraha

2. Energy/emo body

3. 108 points; energy amplification points - lie along nadis - boost flow of prana

4. Inertia

5. 2nd

6. Originated in India 5 -000 + years ago

7. Dharana

8. Margas

9. Liberation of stagnant prana

10. Aparigraha

11. 1888-1989; taught viniyoga system of Hatha-Yoga

12. Everything after Pantanjali

13. Brahmacharya

14. Lower mental body

15. Santosha

16. Saucha

17. Brought Hatha yoga to America in 40s; studied under Krishnamacharya

18. W/Swami Vivekananda

19. Earth - wind - water - fire - space

20. Science of life

21. Taught father's (Krishnamacharya) system of yoga

22. Activity - movement

23. Satya

24. Downward from navel to feet; elimination

25. 4th

26. Spinal chord

27. Spirit

28. Vata - pitta - kapha

29. Pratyahara

30. Spirit

31. Tapas

32. Yoga of mind

33. To place or arrange in a special way with the breath

34. Tamas - rajas - sattva

35. Restraints - observances

36. Spinal chord

37. Rhythmic - increases auric body

38. Samadhi

39. Disillusion

40. Pancha: 5 - kosha: sheath

41. Yama

42. 108 points; energy amplification points - lie along nadis - boost flow of prana

43. Samadhi

44. Studied under Krisnamacharya

45. Physical body

46. 1930s-1986 philosopher

47. Linking breath to movement - breath / ujjayi - locks / bhandas - gaze / dhristi

48. Niyama

49. Dhyana

50. Alt nostril; IN left - OUT right w/bandha