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Dairy Foods Industry

Subjects : industries, dairy
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The feed additive isoacid gives a ______ pound milk response - with maximum response in early lactation.

2. The only persons regulated by federal orders are _____.

3. 1. Operating cost of Federal orders are paid by ______.

4. Badly dented or damaged milker unit parts are caused by?

5. What vitamin was first discovered in milk fat and is important to eyesight?

6. The predominant bacteria of milk that produce lactic acid - which is responsible for the sour taste of milk are...?

7. ______ % of the milk eligible for fluid use is covered by Federal Milk Marketing Orders.

8. To defray the cost of federal orders - handlers are assessed ____ per hundredweight of milk received.

9. The Standard Plate Count (SPC) has a prescribed incubation time of _____ hours at _____ ºC.

10. Milk covered by Federal milk marketing orders is __________.

11. S. M. Babcock developed the Babcock Test in _____.

12. What is not an objective of milk evaluation?

13. Most farm bulk milk tanks are designed for every-other-day (EOD) pickup and must cool 25 percent of the volume of the tank to ___ degrees F within two hours after milking.

14. In the care and management of dairy cows - milking takes _____ percent of the labor.

15. The U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) was created by ___________.

16. High-temperature short-time pasteurization (HTST) requires that every particle of milk is heated to a minimum temperature of _____ for _____ seconds or its equivalent.

17. The milk In what class receives the highest price in the market?

18. The Mid-American International Agri-Trade Council assists _______

19. The four major sensations are...?

20. The ability of lipase in milk to attack milk fat and produce a rancid off flavor is enhanced by what?

21. Whole milk contains _____ percent protein.

22. Under federal orders - dairy farmers receive their milk checks?

23. When cows have mastitis - the protein content of milk may be higher - but the cheese yield is lower because of a decrease in _______ protein.

24. The off flavor most likely to be found in milk that has not been cooled properly is...

25. The enzyme _______ is almost completely inactivated at the proper times and temperatures approved for pasteurization

26. Cheddar cheeses sold in the United States - which are not made from pasteurized milk - must be ripened at least _________ days

27. What marketing tool would be used in the futures market by someone who owns a commodity such as milk and intends to sell it sometime in the future?

28. If you produce milk in this state - the price you will receive for your milk is a blend of classes - components - quota - and non-quota values. It is the only state with its own farm milk pricing system. The state is ____________.

29. Milk is a good supplier of minerals except for _____.

30. The pasteurized Milk Ordinance regulates what?

31. USDA reports net prices received by dairy farmers for milk - usually the prices are published on a map to show regional differences. The prices are referred to as ________.

32. A consumer found an off-flavor in milk packaged in transparent plastic and exposed to high intensity fluorescent light. The off-flavor probably was?

33. The milk-borne illness outbreak that occurred in California via the consumption of a fresh - unripened Mexican type cheese was caused by the microorganism __________.

34. What causes flavors in milk such as acid - high acid - or sour milk.

35. The __________ test may be of value in detecting gross carelessness in the production and handling of milk on the farm.

36. Which group of flavors cannot be detected by odor?

37. A _____ cup is a cup with fine wire mesh on top used to detect the presence of abnormal milk.

38. The main objection of dirt and milkstone on parts is _____.

39. Each month - the USDA calculates the Basic Formula Price (BFP) which often ranges from $11.00 to $13.00 per hundredweight. The BFP establishes the basic price for _______.

40. Milk stone accumulation on dairy equipment comes from _____ per cent minerals from water and _____ per cent milk solids.

41. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are examples of _________ .

42. Cow's milk contains _____ percent lactose

43. The ideal cleaning material for removing milk stone from milking equipment surfaces is _____.

44. A pooling method where by handlers with higher than average utilization pay into and handlers with lower than average utilization receive payment from is called _______.

45. The insufficient removal of milk from the milk collection system is called _____.

46. The percent of U.S. milk production consumed through schools has ___________ in the past 8 years.

47. The protein in a quart of milk is approximately equivalent to that in ________.

48. The Standard Plate Count (SPC) has a prescribed incubation time of _____ hours at _____ ºC.

49. Which of the following is not a part of the establishment of a federal marketing order?

50. Milk protein contains _____ of the essential amino acids and in appreciable amounts