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AP Chemistry 2

Subjects : science, ap, chemistry
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The oxidation # for acid base reactions...

2. What is the conjugate acid of H2PO4?

3. What is the energy you must put into a reaction to make it start called?

4. Why are i factors (Van't Hoff factors) often less than ideal?

5. What do metal oxides plus non- metal oxides form?

6. What shape is water?

7. chlorate

8. What do you do to get rid of most of the solution from a precipitate?

9. Acids + Carbonates (bicarbonates) make?

10. How are metal oxides and hydrides bonded? are they acidic or basic?

11. What are the bond angles and hybridization for a carbon with 4 sigma bonds? one double bond? two double bonds? one triple bond?

12. What is the test for oxygen?

13. What is the hybridization for a given atom with four single bonds? one double and two single bonds? two double bonds? one triple and one single bond? two single bonds and two lone pairs? three single bonds and one lone pair?

14. What is the formula for obtaining charge flowing in a cell?

15. Ions are not ______.

16. halides

17. Where are group I metals stored?

18. What process do you use to obtain the solute from a solution?

19. For a dibasic acid (H2A) - [A²?]= ____ ?

20. What do hydrocarbons form when they burn in air (oxygen)?

21. When can supercooling occur? What does it look like on a cooling curve?

22. How does benzene compare in reactivity to alkenes?

23. How many normal boiling points and boiling points are there?

24. An amphiprotic (amphoteric) species is...

25. What is the relationship between Kc and Kp if there's no ?n (gaseous molecules)?

26. What does a short - sharp melting point indicate?

27. Alkenes are ________ and react by __________

28. acetates

29. copper sulfate

30. What are the units of the first order rate constant?

31. bromothymol

32. What type of metals don't react with water or acids to form H2?

33. What things should you remember to do when collecting gas over water?

34. What type of compounds are almost always colored?

35. What do you use to look at burning magnesium? why?

36. hydroxide

37. What equipment do you need for a titration?

38. How many ligands attach to a central ion in a complex ion?

39. Does Benzene react by addition or substitution?

40. What two compounds are great oxidizing agents?

41. What is the formula for summation?

42. primary colors

43. Color is due to ______ _______ of light.

44. When can supercooling occur? What does it look like on a cooling curve?

45. How does half life change for zero-th order - first order - and second order processes?

46. Is the standard entropy (S°) of an element zero?

47. Nonmetals are good _____ agents. Metals are good _______ agents.

48. What electrons are lost/gained first in transition element ions?

49. When is ?G zero?

50. How does the KE and PE of ice at 0°C compare to the KE and PE of water at 0°C?