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CAPM Time Management

  • Answer 31 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Float.

2. Or free slack--how much time an activity can be delayed without affecting the early start date of subsequent dependent activities.

3. Activities that must be completed before other activities either start or finish (mandatory - discretionary - and external).

4. The path through the network diagram that show which activities - if delayed - will affect the project finish date.

5. An activity in a network diagram that does not have any time associated with it. Only included to show relationship and is usually dotted or dashed line.

6. Perform activities in parallel that normally are done in sequence; increases risk

7. Comparing planned versus actual schedule dates.

8. Applying more resources; increases cost

9. A type of network diagram where activities are represented on rectangular nodes with arrows representing the dependencies.

10. A form of expert judgment often used early on when there is little information available. It is performed from the top down - focusing on the big picture.

11. A technique primarily made up of two means of compressing the schedule: crashing and fast-tracking.

12. Method of estimated where experts are asked to provide input to the schedule.

13. A type of network diagram where the boxes are activities - and the arrows are used to show dependencies between the activities.

14. List of every activity that will be performed on the project.

15. Method of diagramming project activities to show sequence and dependencies.

16. Rules for which no formula exists; usually derived through trial and error.

17. A technique to show scheduling possibilities where early and late start and finish dates are calculated for every activity without looking at resource estimates.

18. A schedule buffer used to reduce schedule risk.

19. Delay between an activity and the subsequent one dependent upon it.

20. Activities with finish to start relationships cannot start until their predecessors have been finished; however - if you have 5 days of lead time on an activity - it may begin 5 days before its predecessor.

21. High-level points in the schedule used to track and report progress.

22. How much time an activity can be delayed without affecting the project's finish date.

23. Method for calculating late start and late finish dates for an activity.

24. A situation that occurs when an activity's start date comes before a preceding activity's finish date.

25. Probable number of periods this activity should take with the probable range of results (1 week +/- 3 days)

26. The method for calculating early start and early finish dates for an activity.

27. Final result is an activity list (similar to Scope Decomposition where the result is a WBS)

28. Means of gathering expert judgment where the participants do not know who the others are and therefore are not able to influence each other's opinion. Designed to prevent "groupthink."

29. A rarely used type of network diagram where activities are represented by arrows connecting the nodes.

30. Computer simulation that throws a high number of "what if" scenarios at the project schedule to determine probable results.

31. The approved schedule that is used as a basis for measuring and reporting. It includes the original project schedule plus all approved updates.