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Carpentry Things Vocab

Subjects : industries, carpentry
  • Answer 42 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Driving a nail at an angle through 2 pieces of wood

2. 2 by 4 lumber placed between trusses at the ridge of the roof which keeps the trusses stable and vertical.

3. Gives good support to a truss and the roof structure.

4. 2 by 4 lumber that serves as the bottom of the opening for a window

5. Used for support and connect the sole and top plates.

6. Is a framework made up of lumber members called chords and webs which form a light - strong and rigid structure.

7. Gives support and strength to the truss

8. Is a framework made up of lumber members called chords and webs which form a light - strong and rigid structure.

9. Stud size lumber cut in proper lengths and used as a support between the top plate and door or window header and between the window sill and sole plate.

10. Heavy lumber used to support the area above an opening. Headers are used above door and window openings.

11. A principal piece of lumber that serves as the bottom of a wall and to which studs - trimmers and cripples are nailed.

12. Gives good support to a truss and the roof structure.

13. An arrangement of lumber used at the corner of a wall or along its interior so that adjoining walls can be attached and nailed.

14. Stud size lumber cut in proper lengths and used as a support between the top plate and door or window header and between the window sill and sole plate.

15. A principal piece of lumber that serves as the top of a wall and to which studs and cripples are nailed

16. Connectors used to bind together truss chords and webs at the joints. They can be made out of wood or metal.

17. Lumber put into a wall so the wall will be stable and remain square.

18. A principal piece of lumber which strengthens the top of a wall. Allows one wall to tie o another and serves as a junction.

19. 2 by 4 lumber used to support the top chord of the truss and provide backing for nailing finish material

20. Driving a nail at an angle through 2 pieces of wood

21. Are stud size lumber used between studs in a wall to eliminate upward drft - thereby choking a fire that might start in a wall

22. The lumber nailed to the ends of the tp chords of the tresses to give a finished look to the roof

23. 2 by 4 lumber that serves as the bottom of the opening for a window

24. Lumber used to give support and additional strength to another piece of lumber.

25. Connectors used to bind together truss chords and webs at the joints. They can be made out of wood or metal.

26. 2 by 4 lumber placed between trusses at the ridge of the roof which keeps the trusses stable and vertical.

27. A principal piece of lumber which strengthens the top of a wall. Allows one wall to tie o another and serves as a junction.

28. Heavy lumber used to support the area above an opening. Headers are used above door and window openings.

29. Used to support door and window headers and window sills

30. An arrangement of lumber used at the corner of a wall or along its interior so that adjoining walls can be attached and nailed.

31. Used to support door and window headers and window sills

32. Are stud size lumber used between studs in a wall to eliminate upward drft - thereby choking a fire that might start in a wall

33. Used to make the top and bottom chords of the truss

34. A principal piece of lumber that serves as the bottom of a wall and to which studs - trimmers and cripples are nailed.

35. Lumber used to give support and additional strength to another piece of lumber.

36. Gives support and strength to the truss

37. Lumber put into a wall so the wall will be stable and remain square.

38. Used to make the top and bottom chords of the truss

39. 2 by 4 lumber used to support the top chord of the truss and provide backing for nailing finish material

40. Used for support and connect the sole and top plates.

41. A principal piece of lumber that serves as the top of a wall and to which studs and cripples are nailed

42. The lumber nailed to the ends of the tp chords of the tresses to give a finished look to the roof