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Construction Basics
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1. If you put more lime in Mortar this increases
Workablity - water rentivity - and water tightness
Column Footing
The Horizontal members of this image for formwork is called ______
Elevated Slabs and arches - its formwork for arches
2. Shores are used for...
Elevated Slabs and arches - its formwork for arches
Continuious waterproof membrane which provides a continuous barrior that originates at the backup wall and penetrates through air space and cladding
Cylinder measuring 6 inches in diameter x 12 in high
3. The form work used in constructing high-rse residential buildings in site-cast reinforced-concrete bearing walls generally consists of...
Large - prefabricated - tunnel forms that allow walls and slabs to be cast simultaneously
4000 psi
Force / Area
Percast at the construction site
4. How high off the does glass have to remain tempered?
5. Camber refers to...
No. 3 or No. 4 bars
Upward deflection of a beam to counter downward deflection by a dead load
A continuous concrete closure strip in the slab-on-ground.
Immediately about a flashing
6. Plain-Masonry walls are _______
Bed Joints
Masonry walls without virtical reinforcement.
Masonry Bearing Wall Structure
Water Proofing
7. The chairs used for supporting reinforcing steel bars are generally
Lateral load support to the veneer
Ground-Supported slabs area____
Porland cement - lime - and sand
Plastic - and Steel chairs with plastic-coated feet
8. Built-up sections are made by _____
The deflection of studs to withstand lateral loads
every floor
Ground-Supported Slabs - Elevated Slabs
Obtaining by welding two or more standard sections together
9. Pretensioned concrete & tensioned concrete have ______ stress
Square - rectangular or round
32 in on center and not more than 18 in vertically
Walls with vertical reinforcement
10. What is the bottom piece called?
Heavier members and spans from column to column
Comressive Strength = load at failure / area = ksi or psi
Workablity - water rentivity - and water tightness
11. G30 is for _____ corrosive enviroment
K-series - LH series - DHL series
A plastic cone and a loop at each end.
4 to 6 ft
12. The face of the PC wall panels should not be less than ____ thick
High-treated carbon steel
13. A K-series steel joist that is 20 in deep cannot space more than ____
Comressive Strength = load at failure / area = ksi or psi
Pre-cast concrete hollow-core slabs
40 ft
14. Stack casting is used when
Wider space in an otherwize narrow joint
Hollow structural section
The ground-floor slab of the building is too small to accommodate the precasting of all the walls
Isolated pad footing
15. Mechanical couplers are used
Where lap splicing of reinforcing bars will produce excessive congestion
To ensure the absence of tensile stress in masonry - the resultant of gravity load and the wind load at any horizontal section of the wall must remain within the middle third of the section.
Huge - steel cylinder whose interior is lined with refractory bricks - and the materials are stacked on the inside and then heated to mix them all together.
AISC Type III Connection
16. What are the two benifits of pressing concret?
2in pg 645
Reduced cracking in concret - and reduction in the dimensions of stuctural members
At foundation level - over a lintel angle - over a shelf angle - under a window sill.
17. Retempering of mortar - if needed - should be generally done within
2 1/2 hours of the initial preparations of mortar
After World War 2
Spraying the mix over a mold
Barrier walls
18. Steel joist are braced against instabilty by
Isolation Joints
Hoizontal bridging members at the bottom of the joists - and horizontal briging members at the top of the joists
Noncohesive Soils
19. W-Shape are mostly used for ____
Beams and Columns
Allow water washing of concrete after stripping the forms
I Section
L-shaped sheet metal or plastic element - that has a vertical leg that has openings to let the water out
20. A snug-Tight Connection between framing members is obtained by
Sloped - thinner
Bolting the member and rightening them with a spud wrench using full force
18 to 48 in
21. Gravity generally affects water penetration through an exposed horizontal surface of a wall and can counted by
Providing a anomalous slope in the surface.
The Horizontal members of this image for formwork is called ______
A reinforced-masonry frame
structural frame
22. The Slag is what?
Molten Limestone that floats over molten Iron
Allow water washing of concrete after stripping the forms
23. In a cross-bearing wall structure - the load bearing walls are...
Perpendicular to the main axis of the building.
Continuous strip footings - isolated pad footings - drilled pier footings.
Gravity load support to the veneer
Prevent the buckling of longitudinal column bars
24. The thickness of a roof or floor deck is generally specified in terms of...
30 ft
every floor
2 in
Gauge number
25. The Dark things in the Corner are ____
Acrylic polymer-based mix
Where the concrete absorbs the heat from the day and slowly releases it during the night
26. Simple Connection is also called...
AISC Type II Connection
MOre Crrosive Enviroment - Hot
Cross bearing Walls plane
27. What does TCA stand for?
The time between the end of concreting and the removal of the forms
Tilt-up Concrete Association
Metals that contain Iron
28. What is a control joint used for?
Isolation Joints
control joints accomodate the shrinkage of concrete. their purpose is to provide weakness in the slab at predetermined locations to force the slab to crack there.
By Splitting I sections in half
29. Compressive Strength Formula
Comressive Strength = load at failure / area = ksi or psi
Greater than the cross-sectional area of the column
Out of Plane shear between the wall and the floor or roof deck
30. Extend the entire thickness of the slab and they ensure that the slab is isolated from the buildings structural componenst so that their movments is not transfered to the slab
8 in to 30 in
Isolation Joints
Control joints - Isolation joints - Construction joints
Large - prefabricated - tunnel forms that allow walls and slabs to be cast simultaneously
31. In high-rised residential buildings with site cast reinforced concrete bearing walls - the floors and the roofs are generally constructed of...
Providing an impervious barrier to water
Cold-formed and light structural steel members - in zinc coating
Site cast concrete slabs
32. The most common used size of brick is...
Provide unifrom drying and firing of bricks
33. This CMU type resists water infiltration - one ways
By functioning as a water reservior
Reinforced concrete member
34. Scaffold-types shores are usally made from
F = Force/Area = P (Force) /A (Area)
Site cast concrete slabs
Steel pipes
2.67 ft
35. two types of facotry-blended mixes for this finish coat are available - name some
Parallel - wider
Tilt-up Concrete Association
Plortland cement-based mix
36. The use of ONe-way decks yields the following two types of bearing wall planes name one?
Increases the strength of a wall against bending - increases the sliding resistance of the wall to in-plane lateral loads - reducing horizontal displacement between floors - helps to resist the tension caused by overturning of the Wall.
Much lower
ground supported slabs (a.k.a. slabs-on-ground or slabs-on-grade) bear directly on a compacted ground with organic top soil removed. 2. elevated slabs rest on and are part of the structural frame of the building. Therefore they are also referred to a
Cross bearing Walls plane
37. Rest on and are part of the structural frame of the building - they are used for 2nd and higher floors.
The deflection of studs to withstand lateral loads
Elevated Slabs
8 in to 30 in
Greater than the cross-sectional area of the column
38. Is that the walls that are required for load-bearing purposes may also function as shear walls in addition to enclosing and dividing spaces.
Masonry Bearing Wall Structure
annealed glass
Weep holes
39. The term FLying form refers to...
laminated glass - so that glass shards don't rain down death.
A large formwork assembly for concrete walls
7 in
40. The Vertical Lines that are not connected to Beams are called ____
Extruded bricks that have through-through hols.
A 100% solid unit
Type N
41. ____________________ is gerneally preferred over filed welding?
8 in to 30 in
At foundation level - over a lintel angle - over a shelf angle - under a window sill.
Isolation Joints
field bolting of steel member
42. High-strength bolts have the same charterisitcs as ____
Extruded bricks that have through-through hols.
where soil is not strong.
43. 8in Thick CMU wall is ______
44. Who Invented the Basic Oxygen Furnace?
Henry Bessemer in 1855
T section
Bed Joints
Perpendicular to the main axis of the building.
45. What is the first thing a contractor does at a construction site?
3000 PSI
Reduced cracking in concret - and reduction in the dimensions of stuctural members
46. Two-way deck is a ____
To ensure the absence of tensile stress in masonry - the resultant of gravity load and the wind load at any horizontal section of the wall must remain within the middle third of the section.
Vertical reinforcing bars
Deck that the load is transferred to all four walls - and are generally of site-cast concrete.
47. What is the yield stress of A36 steel?
The courses alternate between headers ans stretchers
Base Plate
36 ksi
Is the Deposit of white substance on a masonry wall
48. the stirrups in a reinforced concrete beam are used to...
Concrete hollow-core slabs - metal deck - or wood deck.
K-series - LH series - DHL series
Increase the strength of beam in shear
49. The most commonly used steel for framming menbers is_______
Weak in shear
W-Shaped Columns and Beams
To ensure stability against overturning by wind loads
50. Z-flashing is effective in...
A suitable base on which the roof or floor trusses and joist can be supported ans anchored
they extend the entire thickness of the slab - they isolate the slab from the building's structural componants.
a nonmovement joint in a large concrete slab. It is used when concrete cannot be placed in on continuous operation.
A horizontal butt join in cladding