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Construction Basics Exam

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A single 1/2 - 7 wire strand

2. Stretcher Face

3. True

4. 3000 PSI

5. 18 to 48 in

6. Live ends

7. EAF - BOF - OHF

8. 2 to 4 ft

9. Lighter member that spans between the girders

10. Getting Iron and Meling it - Then when the Ore is soft - Silica is beat out with a hammer

11. Its strenth-to-weight ration is high - which reduces the weight of forms and shores.

12. Noncohesive Soils

13. Steel pipes

14. Lighter Weight - Easier Erection

15. They provide a weakness in the slab at predetermined locations to force the slab to crak there and not somewhere else.

16. Adding water to the mortar

17. A felexible connection that allows the ends of the beam to rotate under the load.

18. Gauge number

19. Mildly

20. Open-Hearth furnace

21. 3/8

22. A large formwork assembly for concrete walls

23. Stabilizing members that space across the joists

24. Carbon steel

25. Each course Consists of alternate headers and stretchers

26. Henry Bessemer in 1855

27. Two terminals of high-voltage electric circuit are brought close together and creating a sutained spark across the space between the terminals

28. MOre Crrosive Enviroment - Hot

29. 24

30. Steel fabricator

31. Bearing connection

32. Steel Joist Institute

33. False

34. AISC Type I Connection

35. Upward deflection of a beam to counter downward deflection by a dead load

36. Stretcher Face

37. All sheet-steel components are fabricated by rolling and pressing the sheets into carious cross-sectional profiles at room temperature

38. Snap Tie

39. M -S -N -O

40. High-treated carbon steel

41. A plastic cone and a loop at each end.

42. 240 in =20ft

43. Two flange plates

44. W-shaped beams - Steel joints

45. Strands

46. Molten Limestone that floats over molten Iron

47. 24

48. Width - W - of Unit

49. Adding water to the mortar

50. Bearing connection