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Dairy Judging

Subjects : industries, dairy
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Milk with low total solids will produce what off-flavor

2. The application of heat to milk for the purpose of preservation - with the extra benefit of the protection of public health - continues to develop. Innotative methods are now available for processing milk at ____ with only fractions of a second holdi

3. What is the largest cost on most US dairy farms

4. What is the most popular type container used for fluid milk?

5. The quantity of milk used to produce 1 pound ofbuttermilk depends chiefly upon the

6. Flavors of milk may be caused in general by

7. In Federal order markets - milk sold for consumption in fluid form is in...

8. Milk covered by Federal milk marketing orders is...

9. Flavors of milk may be caused in general by

10. _______ is the time after processing during which a dairy product normally remains suitable for human consumption

11. The form of mastitis that is hidden from sight is known as

12. Which group of flavors cannot be detected by odor?

13. Chemical sanitizers containing______ are most widely used for sanitizing milking equipment

14. To separate the aqueous and fat in the final stage of the Babcock test - a _____ is used.

15. The two dairy product categories that require the highest amount of raw milk from the US supply are...

16. Milk found in cows with a high somatic cell count would result in a decrease in ____

17. The Babcock test is rapid - simple - and accurate test for...

18. As with grade A milk - _____ adopts and enforces regulations to control milk used for the manufacturing of milk products

19. The form of mastitis that is hidden from sight is known as

20. The International Dairy Federation (IDF) mission is to promote _____

21. A system of fairly distributing payment among producers in a Federal Milk Market is called...

22. The off flavor most likely to be found in milk that has not been cooled properly is...

23. To reduce the feed flavor in milk to acceptable levels - cows should be removed from offending feeds ______ hours before milking

24. Each Federal Milk Marketing order is administered by a representative of the

25. What percentage of US households buy fluid milk (on annual basis)

26. The four primary taste sensations are...

27. A consumer found an off-flavor in milk packaged in transparent plastic and exposed to high intensity fluorescent light. The off-flavor was probably

28. To add mold to the blue cheese - it is mainly _______

29. What is the largest cost on most US dairy farms

30. The somatic cell count standard for Grade A raw milk is _____ or less per milliliter of milk

31. It takes approximately _____ lbs of whole milk is to make one pound of the whole milk cheddar cheese

32. Milk meeting the highest sanitary requirements is known as Grade ____

33. Federal milk marketing orders were established in...

34. The ____ test is used to detect if milk has been pasteurized properly.

35. About ____ percent of the calcium availablein the food supply is provided by milk and milk products.

36. Water added to milk is detected by checking the

37. Milk with low total solids will produce what off-flavor

38. Some streptococci that produce lactic acid also produce certain aldehydes - whcih impart a____ flavor

39. Milk is a good supplier of minerals except for ____

40. The major cause of mastitis infections are ____ infections

41. Farm water supplies must be protected from surface contamination. Water is usually tested for _____ as an indicator of possible sewage contamination.

42. Lactose is the principal ______ in milk.

43. ____ percent of allmilk produced in the US is sold to dairy processing plants

44. ____ percent of allmilk produced in the US is sold to dairy processing plants

45. Today - milk that has been ultra pasteurized must have been heated at or above ____ degrees for at least ___

46. One gallon of milk weighs _____ pounds

47. One gallon of milk weighs _____ pounds

48. Specific gravity of milk at 60 degree F is _____

49. 'Cultured' in front of the name of a milk product indicates...

50. Milk is the only source of____ in nature