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Grammar Fundamentals

Subjects : english, grammar
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A phase that is related to a sentence in meaning though it has no grammatical relationship to the sentence.

2. When the action begins in the past and is completed in the past (I had hoped to be finished by November.)

3. The point of view in which the narrator is a character in the story - using words like I we - and us

4. (Stands for a noun) I - me - mine - you - your - he - him - his - she - her - hers - it - its - we - us - our/ours - they - them - their/theirs

5. Is - seem - are - was - were - be - been - get - stay -become

6. Takes the place of a noun and begins with a capitol letter

7. Renames subject

8. A sentence that makes a statement or declaration

9. Phrases - Clauses - Objects (Direct and indirect) - Object of prepositions - Subject - Predicate

10. Word or phrase that shows strong emotion or surprise (whoa - look - ah)

11. Any one of a group of persons - places - things - or ideas and is generally not capitalized

12. A sentence that asks a question--- "Why do I have to wash my hands ?"

13. A word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun - answer these 3 questions: which one - how many - what kind - e.g. articles

14. A word or group of words that can function as a noun

15. A noun that is singular in form but refers to a group of people or things

16. A phrase consisting of a preposition - a noun or pronoun that serves as the object of the preposition - and any modifiers

17. Part of a sentence; usually missing a predicate or a subject

18. Simple - Complex - Compound - Complex-compound

19. An uncommon construction used to express with exactitude how a verb usage is to be interpreted

20. There are two main types of ______ - pronoun reference - pronoun number singular or plural.

21. Personal - Relative - Indefinite - Demonstrative -Reflexive - Intensive - Interrogative - Reciprocal

22. When noun or pronoun is the subject of the verb

23. A ___________ has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.

24. Prepositional - Participial - Gerundive - Infinitive - Verb

25. Verbal acting like a noun

26. The _____ of a sentence receives the action of the verb

27. Point of view presents the events of the story from a narrator's point of view (he - she - it - they - them - their - her - his - or character's names are used)

28. Names a quality of mental concept; intangible idea - feeling - quality - or characteristic: loyalty - curiosity - health - grace - sweetness

29. Clause contains a subject and a verb - AND it can stand alone

30. Subjective - Objective - Possessive

31. A person - place - thing - animal - action - or quality

32. A word that begins a subordinate clause and relates it to another idea in the sentence: that - which - who - whom - whose

33. Used to show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence. Examples: in - under - near - behind - to - from - over

34. A sentence in which the subject performs the action. (George built this house.)

35. A sentence that has one independent clause

36. Subordinating conjunction (He asked that she go.) - Relative pronoun (He took the test that was hard.) - Demonstrative pronoun (That was hard.) - Demonstrative adjective (That test was hard.) - Adverb (The test wasn't that bad.)

37. Noun - Pronoun - Adjective - Adverb - Verb - Conjunction - Preposition - Article - Interjection - Expletive - Verbal

38. Would - Could - Should - May - Might - Must

39. Any group of words that is missing either a Subject or a Verb.

40. includes all linking verbs and any action verbs that do not take an object; example: My friends CRIED - (his shoulder felt sore... 'sore' is a predicate adjective - not a direct object)

41. Answer these 5 questions - how - when - where - why - how often - and NOT

42. Tells what the subject is or does

43. A verb that requires a direct object to complete its meaning: they WASHED their new car.

44. This error occurs when the number singular or plural pronoun does not match the subject is that they are replacing.

45. Is the noun or pronoun that follows the preposition; example: The sands of the BEACH were white.

46. A ____________ has two or more independent clauses connected with a comma and a coordinating conjunction - or a semi-colon.

47. Declaratory - Interrogative - Exclamatory - Imperative

48. Renames a noun

49. A sentence that makes a command

50. Takes the place of a noun or nouns; they show number and gender; example: singular: I - me - my - mine - you - your - yours - he - him - his - she - her - hers - it - its / plural: we - us - our - ours - you - your - yours - they - them - their - the