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Insurance Industry
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1. SMI
Supplemental Medical Insurance or Medicare
Must be nonprofit - maintain form of gov with elected officers
Perferred provider organization
Mutuals comany coverting to stock compnay
2. Multi-line insurace
Companies that write more thane one line of insurance
To preservce state regulations of the insurance business
Health maintenance organization
Write life - health - property and casualty insurance
3. A broker has...
A broker contract
Regulates - supervising insurance companies and agents - brokers
Many lines of insurance - life - annuitites and car - helth
Must be nonprofit - maintain form of gov with elected officers
4. Federal goverment
Hospital Insurance
For military Servicemembers - group life - veterans life - national life
Not a service provider
Insure people of the same business - ocupation< Dentists>
5. Steps in promote suitable sales
Perferred provider organization
Stock company may be converted into mutal company
Barred common ownerships of banks - insurance companines
1- sell to customers need 2- dermin suitability of products 3full and accurate disclosure
Old-age survivors and disability insurance ( social Security)
Mutual - stock - graternal
Protect person right to privact
Not a service provider
7. SEC
Encourage unifromity in state nsurance laws and regulations
Insure people of the same business - ocupation< Dentists>
To preservce state regulations of the insurance business
Securities and exchange commission - regulates variable life and annuities
8. NAIC broad objective #3
Debit insurers
Protect the intrest of policyowners and consumers
Form of service provided by hospitals and physicians
Specialize in particulare type of insurance
9. Agents represent
Must be nonprofit - maintain form of gov with elected officers
Stock and mutural companies
Regulates - supervising insurance companies and agents - brokers
The insurer
10. RRG
The insurer
An agents contract
Risk Retention Group
1- sell to customers need 2- dermin suitability of products 3full and accurate disclosure
11. NAIC broad objective #1
Encourage unifromity in state nsurance laws and regulations
Mutual - stock - graternal
Guarantees claim will be paid if any insurer becomes insolvent
Regulates - supervising insurance companies and agents - brokers
12. An agent has...
Perferred provider organization
Not a service provider
An agents contract
For military Servicemembers - group life - veterans life - national life
13. NAIC
The insurer
National association of insurance commissioners
A++ superior - A- Excellent - ability to meet obligations
Securities and exchange commission - regulates variable life and annuities
14. Private insures
Barred common ownerships of banks - insurance companines
Many lines of insurance - life - annuitites and car - helth
Supplemental Medical Insurance or Medicare
15. HMO
Stock - Mutual - Assessement - Reciprocal - reinsures - risk retention group. home service - service provider
Health maintenance organization
Compared to the new ork stock exchange - proides the arena and facilities for buying and selling publick stock
Hospital Insurance
16. Rating system
Many lines of insurance - life - annuitites and car - helth
A++ superior - A- Excellent - ability to meet obligations
Stock - Mutual - Assessement - Reciprocal - reinsures - risk retention group. home service - service provider
Assist the admin with efficiency in laws
17. Home service insures
Assumes a portion of the risk from another insurer
Hospital Insurance
Private and goverment
Debit insurers
18. methods of selling insurance
Mutual - stock - graternal
Direct selling mass marketing
Securities and exchange commission - regulates variable life and annuities
To preservce state regulations of the insurance business
19. NAIC broad objective #2
Career agency . personal producing general agency. Indipendent agency
Stock and mutural companies
Assist the admin with efficiency in laws
A++ superior - A- Excellent - ability to meet obligations
20. Service providers
Hospital Insurance
Mutuals comany coverting to stock compnay
Companies that write more thane one line of insurance
Form of service provided by hospitals and physicians
21. Types of private insurance
Compared to the new ork stock exchange - proides the arena and facilities for buying and selling publick stock
Insure people of the same business - ocupation< Dentists>
Stock - Mutual - Assessement - Reciprocal - reinsures - risk retention group. home service - service provider
Must be nonprofit - maintain form of gov with elected officers
22. State Regulations
Debit insurers
Assumes a portion of the risk from another insurer
Companies that write more thane one line of insurance
Regulates - supervising insurance companies and agents - brokers
23. Types of insurers
Write life - health - property and casualty insurance
Assist the admin with efficiency in laws
Mutual - stock - graternal
Direct selling mass marketing
24. 3 systesm support sales of insurance
Career agency . personal producing general agency. Indipendent agency
Many lines of insurance - life - annuitites and car - helth
Assist the admin with efficiency in laws
Securities and exchange commission - regulates variable life and annuities
25. NAHU
national association of health underwriters
A broker contract
Stock and mutural companies
1- sell to customers need 2- dermin suitability of products 3full and accurate disclosure
26. Risk Retention group ( RRG)
Old-age survivors and disability insurance ( social Security)
Compared to the new ork stock exchange - proides the arena and facilities for buying and selling publick stock
Hospital Insurance
Insure people of the same business - ocupation< Dentists>
Companies that write more thane one line of insurance
Mutuals comany coverting to stock compnay
National association of insurance and financial advisors
For military Servicemembers - group life - veterans life - national life
28. Reinsurere is a company that...
National association of insurance commissioners
Specialize in particulare type of insurance
Assumes a portion of the risk from another insurer
National association of insurance and financial advisors
29. Types of Goverment Insurer
Specialize in particulare type of insurance
Regulates - supervising insurance companies and agents - brokers
Mutuals comany coverting to stock compnay
OASDI - HI - SMI - (medicare) - Medicaid - workers compensation
30. Financial service moderinzation act 1999
Barred common ownerships of banks - insurance companines
A broker contract
Companies that write more thane one line of insurance
Debit insurers
31. LLoyd's of London
Mutual - stock - graternal
Not a service provider
Stock company may be converted into mutal company
A++ superior - A- Excellent - ability to meet obligations
32. Industrial insurance
Compared to the new ork stock exchange - proides the arena and facilities for buying and selling publick stock
Specialize in particulare type of insurance
Perferred provider organization
National association of insurance and financial advisors
33. HI
May or maynot be policy holders - paid to the stockholders - directors and officers are responsible
Companies that write more thane one line of insurance
Hospital Insurance
Guarantees claim will be paid if any insurer becomes insolvent
34. PPO
Must be nonprofit - maintain form of gov with elected officers
Many lines of insurance - life - annuitites and car - helth
Health maintenance organization
Perferred provider organization
35. Fair credit recording act 1970
Private and goverment
Protect person right to privact
A broker contract
To preservce state regulations of the insurance business
36. Commercial insures
Stock and mutural companies
A broker contract
National association of insurance commissioners
Protect the intrest of policyowners and consumers
37. Types of insurers
PUBIC LAW 15 - insruance are state regulated
A broker contract
National association of insurance and financial advisors
Private and goverment
38. Lloyds of London
Old-age survivors and disability insurance ( social Security)
Guarantees claim will be paid if any insurer becomes insolvent
Career agency . personal producing general agency. Indipendent agency
Compared to the new ork stock exchange - proides the arena and facilities for buying and selling publick stock
39. State Guaranty Association
Private and goverment
Guarantees claim will be paid if any insurer becomes insolvent
Old-age survivors and disability insurance ( social Security)
Form of service provided by hospitals and physicians
40. NAIC
The insurer
Stock company may be converted into mutal company
Form of service provided by hospitals and physicians
To preservce state regulations of the insurance business
41. Stock insurers
Regulates - supervising insurance companies and agents - brokers
Career agency . personal producing general agency. Indipendent agency
May or maynot be policy holders - paid to the stockholders - directors and officers are responsible
42. Stock and mutural companies
Guarantees claim will be paid if any insurer becomes insolvent
1- sell to customers need 2- dermin suitability of products 3full and accurate disclosure
Write life - health - property and casualty insurance
Direct selling mass marketing
43. Demutualizing
Securities and exchange commission - regulates variable life and annuities
Mutuals comany coverting to stock compnay
Assist the admin with efficiency in laws
Regulates - supervising insurance companies and agents - brokers
44. Types of service providers
Old-age survivors and disability insurance ( social Security)
A broker contract
Career agency . personal producing general agency. Indipendent agency
45. Mutualization
Form of service provided by hospitals and physicians
Stock company may be converted into mutal company
Perferred provider organization
National association of insurance and financial advisors
46. Mccarran Ferguson act
Supplemental Medical Insurance or Medicare
Assist the admin with efficiency in laws
A broker contract
PUBIC LAW 15 - insruance are state regulated
47. Freternal Benefits Societies
Must be nonprofit - maintain form of gov with elected officers
Regulates - supervising insurance companies and agents - brokers
Mutual - stock - graternal
Hospital Insurance