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Massage Therapy Vocab
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1. RadioCarpal -CarpalMetaCarpal -Proximal-MetaCarpal Phalangeal -Distal Inter phalangeal
TMJ joint
what do the Splenius muscled do
Muscles of Inhilation
Order of wrist joints
2. Extend -Rotate -Horrizontal ABduction -Abduction( 90 Deg's)Of Humerus
What are unattached ribs called...
Action of Deltoids
C2 is what
what do the Splenius muscled do
3. Deltoids
# of cervical vertebrae
Synergist to Supraspinalis
Action of Levator Scapula
Muscles of Expiration
4. Usually on opposite sides from each other
# of Lumbar vertebrae
gonist and Antagonist
Splenius Muscle names
5. Postural analysis
Where does trapezius Insert
Elbow joints
A.S.I.S is important for what
Action of Atlanto-Occipital Joint
6. Seven 7
# of cervical vertebrae
Acromioclavicular joint
Splenius Muscle names
7. Intervertebral joints
Action of Infraspinatus
Joints of Vertebral body
TMJ Muscles
the sacrum is made up of...
8. Traps -SCM -temporalis -semispenalis capititis/cervicis/longissimus
Headache muscles
Action of Pectoralis Major
Tight Pec muscles Cause
9. Supraspinatus -Infraspinatus -Teres Minor -Subscapularis -serratus anterior
Muscles of the scapula
Muscles of Inhilation
What muscles retracts and moves scapula (slightly) upward
Order of wrist joints
10. Fibro cartlige
Agonist to Rhomboids
What is the sacroiliac joint
where does trapezius Originate
11. Masseter -lateral & Medial Pterygoid -Temporalis
TMJ Muscles
Action of Subscapularis
Action of Teres Major
Muscles of Inhilation
12. Above floating attached by cartliage to sternum
false ribs are where
TMJ joint
Deltoids CAN'T do what
13. Iliocostalis -Longissimus -Spinalis
Most common joint
Where does trapezius Insert
Erector Spinae Group
Joints of Vertebral body
14. Distributes impact and compression more easily
why is curvature of spine so important
Action of Teres Minor
Action of Pectoralis Minor
15. Rotate
Oblique muscles actions
Eccentric Contraction
The coccyx is...
why is curvature of spine so important
16. Floating
What are unattached ribs called...
Headache muscles
Shoulder girdle bones/Landmarks
Action of Subscapularis
17. Concave space for joint ball
A.S.I.S is important for what
Originates at Sternum & clavical -Inserts to Mastoid Process
18. Scalenes -subscapularis -Pec-Minor
Splenius Muscle names
Entrapment of Braccial plexus is from what muscles
19. C2 -C7 -Spinous Processes
Spine Bony Landmarks
Isometric Contraction
Action of Levator Scapula
20. Supraspinatus -Infraspinatus -Teres Minor -Subscapularis
the sacrum is made up of...
Elbow joints
Rotator Cuff Muscles
Carpal tunnel Nerve
21. They ADduct
Action of latissimus dorsi
Action of Levator Scapula
Muscles on the medial side usually do what
what do the Splenius muscled do
22. Glenoid Fossa
Socket of glenohumeral joint is called...
Action of Atlanto-Occipital Joint
What is Synergistic to SCM
where does trapezius Originate
23. Elevates -Rotates Scapula can flip O& I
Action of Levator scapula
# of thorasic vertebrae
Action of Teres Major
24. Stabalizes clavical
Action of Subclavius
SCM Name
Oblique muscles actions
25. Origin & insertion moving together
Shoulder girdle bones/Landmarks
Synergist to Supraspinalis
SCM Name
Concentric Contraction
26. Tempromandibular joint
The coccyx is...
TMJ joint
Muscles of the scapula
27. Superficial
Sternum Bony Landmarks
Spinocostal joints
Muscles on the medial side usually do what
28. Atlanto Occipital
postural muscles
Action of Supraspinatus
C1 is what
29. Lateral rotation -Extension of Humerus
Acromioclavicular joint
Action of Infraspinatus
shoulder joint
30. Scalenes.Pec Minor -SCM -Diaphram -external intercostals -Serratus Posterior Superior
Socket of glenohumeral joint is called...
Muscles of Inhilation
Action of Pectoralis Minor
31. Lateral Rotation - Extension of Humerus
shoulder joint
Action of Pectoralis Minor
Action of Teres Minor
32. A holding balancing contraction no movement
Agonist to Rhomboids
Concentric Contraction
Isometric Contraction
33. Foramen
Spinocostal joints
Axial Skeleton
Spinal cord Nerve holes
Action of Rhomboids
34. ADduction -Horrizontal ADduction -medial rotation of Humerus
Action of Pectoralis Major
Insertion of Levator scapula
Concentric Contraction
Synergist to Supraspinalis
35. Lateral end of spine-o-scapula forms top of shoulder
what do the Splenius muscled do
Acromion process location
Origin of Levator scapula
36. Internal intercostals - serratus posterior inferior -Abdominals -Diaphram
Carpal tunnel Nerve
Spinal cord Nerve holes
Muscles of Expiration
TMJ joint
37. Bone pushing on nerve
Scapula Bony Landmarkd
Spinocostal joints
compresion of nerve
what do the Splenius muscled do
38. Protraction of scapula
Action of Serratus Anterior
Insertion of Levator scapula
Synovial joint is...
Atlantoaxial joint Action
39. Stenocleidomastoid
Originates at Sternum & clavical -Inserts to Mastoid Process
Action of Teres Minor
SCM Name
Flexor gererally Attach
40. Skull -Spine -Sacrum
Muscles of Mastication
Action of trapezius
Axial Skeleton
Flexor gererally Attach
41. Obliques internal & external
what muscles twist the the trunk
Splenius Muscle names
Action of Atlanto-Occipital Joint
42. ADduct
43. Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
Acromion process location
postural muscles
44. Rotatores
What muscles are deepest to the spine
Action of Subclavius
Carpal tunnel Nerve
Isometric Contraction
45. Clavical -Manubrium -Scapula
Insertion of Levator scapula
What are unattached ribs called...
Shoulder girdle bones/Landmarks
Acromioclavicular joint
46. Elevation -Downward rotation of scapula
Action of Rhomboids
Erector Spinae Faschia
Agonist to Rhomboids
Action of Levator Scapula
47. Protract/Pull forward
48. Vertebrae to Rib
Action of Pectoralis Major
Spinocostal joints
The coccyx is...
49. Shallow fossa & soft tissue support
what muscles twist the the trunk
Extensors generally Attach
why is shoulder so prone to injury
Socket of glenohumeral joint is called...
50. Prime Mover
Action of Supraspinatus
Action of Serratus Anterior