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Mortgage Processing Underwriting
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1. Freddie Mac's automated underwriting system
economic obsolescence
credit history criteria
Loan Prospector
2. Multiplying a property's estimated monthly rent by an appropriate multiplier - the multiplier is derived by dividing the sales prices of comparable houses that have sold by their monthly rents
depreciated value
Loan Prospector
transmittal summary
gross rent multiplier
3. The rate of return the new owner can expect to receive - including an annual rate of return desired on the investment - and a rate of return of the investment necessary to recapture the depreciation of the improvements
comparable sale consideration requirements
an applicant that is rejected or offered other terms can...
buyback (repurchase) agreement
capitalization rate
4. Bases the value of a property on the prices paid for similar - or comparable - properties in the area that have recently sold
Chapter 13 bankruptcy
sales comparison approach
economic obsolescence
5. The spread between the interest rate in the loan and the par interest rate paid by the purchaser of a sold loan
Four C's of underwriting
title commitment
service release premium
credit history criteria
6. The title company agrees to pay the insured a specific amount for a loss resulting from a claim caused by a defect in the title that had not been excluded in the policy
title insurance policy
Chapter 13 bankruptcy
buyback (repurchase) agreement
transmittal summary
7. Fannie Mae's automated underwriting system
Desktop Underwriter
transmittal summary
reproduction cost
8. Provides that the investor may return the loan to the originating lender if the borrowers default within a specified period of time; there is evidence of loan fraud; the loan does not comply with regulatory requirements.
buyback (repurchase) agreement
income (capitalization) approach
service release premium
credit history criteria
9. Used by a real estate agent to estimate an appropriate sales price for an owner wanting to list his property for sale - is not acceptable as an appraisal for underwriting purposes
replacement cost
reproduction cost
comparative market analysis
Chapter 7 bankruptcy
10. Purpose is to report on structural defects
cost approach
buyback (repurchase) agreement
home inspection
gross rent multiplier
11. Results from loss of functionality due to basic construction techniques used - as well as inadequacy - outdatedness - or overadequacy in a building
Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Loan Prospector
comparative market analysis
functional obsolescence
12. The present cost of constructing a new substitute structure equal to the existing structure in quality and utility - but using current construction methods - materials - design and layout
title insurance policy
replacement cost
cost approach
Chapter 7 bankruptcy
13. Results from factors outside and surrounding the property - such as zoning - blight - high taxes - and pollution - and is - therefore - almost always incurable
sales comparison approach
service release premium
an applicant that is rejected or offered other terms can...
economic obsolescence
14. Commitment to issue a title insurance policy - provided certain conditions are cleared prior to closing
economic obsolescence
service release premium
home inspection
title commitment
15. Involves liquidation of assets to cancel debts so a person can start fresh
cost approach
income (capitalization) approach
market value
Chapter 7 bankruptcy
16. Net adjustments should not exceed 15% of the sales price - gross adjustments should not exceed 25% of the sales price
comparable sale consideration requirements
transmittal summary
credit history criteria
Chapter 7 bankruptcy
17. Collateral - Capital - Capacity - Character (Credit history)
18. Equal to the cost to replace or reproduce the improvements less depreciation
reproduction cost
depreciated value
Chapter 7 bankruptcy
home inspection
19. The present cost of constructing a new substitute structure that is an exact replica of the existing structure
reproduction cost
functional obsolescence
economic obsolescence
home inspection
20. The process of deciding whether to make a loan based on credit - employment - assets and other factors
title insurance policy
transmittal summary
21. A written report of an appraiser's informed - objective opinion or estimate of the market value of the property that is security for the loan - as of a specified date
service release premium
Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Chapter 13 bankruptcy
22. Last two years the most important
credit history criteria
Chapter 7 bankruptcy
cost approach
Desktop Underwriter
23. Request a statement of the reasons for the adverse action from the lender and obtain a copy of his credit report from the credit bureau - if the adverse action was based on information in that report
sales comparison approach
an applicant that is rejected or offered other terms can...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy
24. Involves implementing a payment plan over three to five years to pay off the debts
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will not purchase conventional single-family mortgages from lenders...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy
economic obsolescence
major credit bureaus
25. A summary of the information on the application for the underwriter
reproduction cost
transmittal summary
Chapter 7 bankruptcy
26. Used to appraise properties that produce rental income
depreciated value
comparative market analysis
income (capitalization) approach
27. That have not applied the Home Valuation Code of Conduct to those loans
gross rent multiplier
Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will not purchase conventional single-family mortgages from lenders...
major credit bureaus
28. The most probable price a property should bring in a competitive and open market - with the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgably
major credit bureaus
home inspection
market value
functional obsolescence
29. Estimates the value of the land and the depreciated value of the improvements on the land separately and adds the two values to arrive at an estimate of the property's total value - most often used for new construction and churches and public service
economic obsolescence
title insurance policy
cost approach
transmittal summary
30. Experian FICO - Equifax BEACON - TransUnion EMPIRICA
income (capitalization) approach
buyback (repurchase) agreement
sales comparison approach
major credit bureaus