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SAT Subject Test: Chemistry Vocab

Subjects : sat, science, chemistry
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Chemical reaction that results in an absorption of heat

2. The use of radioactive carbon-14 to estimate the ages of ancient materials - such as archaeological or paleontological specimens

3. Science concerned with the compositions of substances and the changes that they undergo

4. Referring to a compound composed of two elements such as water

5. The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the atmospheric pressure

6. The adhesion (in an extremely thing layer) of the molecules of gases - of dissolved substances - or of liquieds to the surfaces of solid or liquid bodies with which they come into contact

7. Shorthand method of showing the changes that take place in a chemical reaction

8. 1/2 the distance between adjacent nuclei in the crystalline or solid phase of an element; distance from the atomic nucleus to the valence electrons

9. One of the building blacks matter is composed of - only one type of atom; cannot be further decomposed

10. A terminal of an electrolytic cell

11. The process of forming definitely shaped crystals when water is evaporated from a solution of the substance

12. A temperature scale divided into 100 equal divisions and based on water freezing at 0 degress and boiling at 100 degrees

13. A relatively weak force of attraction between polar molecules; a component of van der Waals forces

14. Separation of the ions of an ionic compound due to the action of a solvent

15. The measure of disorder in a system

16. Capacity to do work

17. Chemical reaction between an alcohol and an acid - in which an ester is formed

18. The energy needed to break a chemical bond and form a neutral atom

19. In metallurgy: a substance that helps to melt and remove the solid impurities as slag

20. Shows only the simplest ratio of the number and kids of atoms

21. Top number on periodic table - The number of protons in the nucleus - The number of electrons in an atom

22. The breaking down of a compound into two or more simpler substances

23. A substance composed of elements chemically united in definite proportions by weight

24. A metallic oxide that forms a base when placed in water

25. The highest temperature at which water vapor condenses out of the air

26. The minimum energy necessary to start a reaction

27. Substance that - when added to a solution - makes changing the pH of the solution more difficule

28. One of the "building blocks" of proteins; contains one or more NH2- groups that have replaced the same number of hydrogen atoms in an organic acid

29. Process of heating an organic substance - such as coal - in the absence of air to break it down into solid and volatile products

30. The mass per unit volume of a substance; mathematical formula D=m/V

31. The layer of gasses surrounding the earth - A unit of pressure (1 atm = 760mm of Hg or torr)

32. An instrument - invented by Toricelli in 1643 - used for measuring atmospheric pressure

33. The average mass of a number; bottom number on the element

34. A compound derived from another compound by the removal of water; it will combine with water to form an acid (acidic anhydride) or base (basic anhydride)

35. E=mc2 - relates mass to energy

36. A water solution that has an excess of hydrogen ions; an acid turns litmus paper pink or red - has a sour taste - and neutralizes bases to form salts

37. Particles larger than those found in a solution but smaller than those in a suspension

38. The process by which suspended matter is removed from a liquid by passing the liquid through a porous material

39. Absorbtion by a substance of water from the air - so that the substance becomes wet

40. A property of a solution that depends primarily on the concentration - not the type of particles present

41. The process whereby gases or liquids intermingle freely of their own accord

42. Temperature measured on the absolute scale - which has its origin at absolute zero

43. An ion or particle that has a negative charge and thus is attracted to a positively charged anode

44. Forms of the same element that differ in their crystalline structures

45. Temperature scale that has 32 as freezing point and 212 as boiling point

46. Unit for expressing the kinetic energy of subatomic particles; the energy acquired by an electron when it is accelerated by a potential difference of 1 volt

47. Organic compound containing the -O- group

48. Isotope of hydrogen - sometimes called heavy hydrogen - with an atomic weight of 2

49. A water wolution that contains an excess of hydroxide ions; a proton acceptor; a base turns litmus paper blue and neutralizes acids to form salts

50. A liquid that will conduct and electric current